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I've been throwing up for fucking days, I don't know why and it was so random "I can stay home" Quincey said holding me hair as I threw up in the toilet "No.....go....I'm fine" I threw up again "Nah imma stay" I shook my head in the toilet bowl "I'm...fine babe, it's just a bug It'll pass" he looked unsure but I reassured him and he finally left. I laid in the bed when Jasmine called
"Hey boo"
"No offense but you sound like shit" I chuckled "Well I feel like shit, I've been throw up for days"
"Mhmm, want me to come over"
We hung up and I fell asleep for i don't know how long before I heard Jasmine knock.
"Hey" I eyes widen up at she looked at me "Uhh hey" I laughed walking over to the living room "I know okay don't say it, I know I look like crap" we sat on the couch "So I've been thinking...actually no today kinda confirms my suspicions" I looked at her confused as she grabs this bag behind her and pulls out "A PREGNANCY TEST?!" I did not see that coming "look I know the symptoms okay, you ate up a storm at the mall, you're throwing up, and have you noticed any weight gain?" I noticed my pants have been tighter but I just thought I was bloated "Yeah that's what I thought...take it" I grabbed it with hesitation and went to the bathroom.

The longest 5 minutes of my life, 5 minutes that might change everything...I was definitely nauseous but only because the results were taking so long. "Did it work?" I heard Jasmine shot through the door "I don't know yet" I picked up the pregnancy test and my heart dropped "Oh my god...." I couldn't believe this "Whats happening?!" I heard Jasmine yell but my mind wasn't here anymore, all I could think about was the pregnancy test.

She bought 3 boxes so I took them all and they all read the same thing POSITIVE I was so....I don't know what I was. I opened the door and I knew Jasmine could tell by my face what it was "Okay uhh let's sit down" she grabbed my arm and pulled me to my bed "are we happy or.." I was...surprised..I was confused and I was happy. I smiled and she smiled with me laughing "Oh my god" I looked at her and I seen her eyes water "You're pregnant" I nodded "I'm pregnant" she hugged me "awe I'm so happy for you"  I couldn't believe I was pregnant, I'm growing a human being inside of me right now "I have to tell Quincey" she nodded "now" I shook my head no ans picked up my phone to call him
"Hey baby"
"Hey beautiful, you feeling better? I was just about to call"
"A lot better, uhh when are you coming home?"
"Give me 2 hours okay"
"Okay and baby?"
"I love you so much"
"I love you to mama, I'll see you soon"
I hung up "we have to go" I put my shoes on "where?"
"I've always pictured how I would do this, how I would tell him so we have to pick up some stuff" she nodded and we were off.

A hour and a half later we came back with everything I needed "This is a sweet idea D, I wish I would have thought of it first" I laughed "right...I seen it on Facebook and it was simple but neat you know" she nodded her head as I fixed everything "Okay well imma gonna get out of here, let me know how it goes" I nodded and said our goodbyes and left.

I fixed the surprise up and put on a nice outfit, he was little late but I figured something came up which happens. It wasn't until it was 4 hours later I started to worry, he would have called or something you know so I called him. Phone dead. I called him again. Phone dead. I called again. Phone dead. Are you kidding me right now, I figured maybe he was on his way but another hour passed and I knew something was wrong. I called Devon

"Devon have you heard from Quincey?"
"Nah last time I saw him was when I left the warehouse he said he was leaving right behind me"
"Well he's not home and I'm worried"
"Relax ight, I'm sure he's fine but I'll make some phone calls"
That didn't help my nerve at all, another hour passed and I hadn't heard anything from Devon or Quincey.

I heard a knock at the door and I basically ran "QUINCEY THAT BETTER BE Y—-" I swung the door open and 2 cops stood on my porch "Can I help you?" They took off their hats "Is this the residence of Quincey James Samuels?" I nodded "and are you his girlfriend?"
"Fiancé" they nodded and one of them cleared his throat "Ma'am Mr. Samuels was shot today in front of Stater bros.....he was pronounced dead on scene."

I heard nothing after that.....I felt nothing....I was not my not my Quincey.....Not. My. Quincey. Was the last thing I thought before I felt my legs go weak and my body hit the floor.

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