Chpt. 27👑

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"You look beautiful baby" he kissed my hand and lead me out the hotel "You look sexy baby" I really wanted to stay back more then ever but I knew he wasn't gonna go for it.

We got in the taxi where Quincey spoke in French so I had no clue what he was saying meaning I don't know where he's going. Everything was just so beautiful, couples kissing and families laughing which made my heart feel warm.

We got to the river where they had the Gondola ride and I couldn't be happier "What's a better was to see Paris?" Quincey said extending his hand I grabbed is as he helped me on the boat then he got in and we were off. I held on to him as we listened to Paris ,it was so lively, so romantic, and I was so in love.

"Baby why did you do this for me?" I wasn't complaining at all but sometimes a girl wants to know the exact reason "I was suppose to be the last person you ever expected to hurt you and I promised I wouldn't but a nigga broke that and On god baby ...

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"Baby why did you do this for me?" I wasn't complaining at all but sometimes a girl wants to know the exact reason "I was suppose to be the last person you ever expected to hurt you and I promised I wouldn't but a nigga broke that and On god baby it hurt the hell out of me to know that I hurt you" I looked in his eyes and could see the hurt and pain" I love you so much and I know this doesn't make it up to you completely but I wanna show you imma try like a muthafucka to make this right" I kissed him "i love you so much."

We continued to enjoy the rest of the ride that unfortunately came to a stop 20min. Later. Quincey seemed to have everything planned, right after the boat ride we went to this bakery and got a couple of muffins to hold us over while we walked around.

We ended up in front of the Eiffel Tower which was beautifully lit up, there were couples everywhere, taking pictures, kissing , and even some proposals. "Let's go in" I nodded smiling and he took my hand leading me inside to the elevators that went all the way to the top, I was honestly surprised considering it was really expensive to go all the way to the top but it's not like we didn't have it. We got off the elevator and the sight was breathtaking, it felt like I was on cloud nine "It's beautiful" I seen Quincey look at me from the side "Yes you are" I chuckled at how cheesy that was but I still loved it...I loved him.

We left the Eiffel Tower after staying up there for an hour, "We have one more stop" he said kissing my cheek "as much as I don't want to end the night, it's getting late"
"I promise this will be worth it" I nodded my head and let him lead the way.

After 30 mins of heels might I add, we were at a bridge but not just any bridge the "The Pont des Arts"  The bridge with a million locks on it. I was memorized "Oh my god babe" he had a huge smile on his face "Wow" I was truly speechless.

I walked over to the bridge and Quincey wrapped his arms around me waist for the back "I was expecting lots of dates and lots of sex to make it up to me but this is

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I walked over to the bridge and Quincey wrapped his arms around me waist for the back "I was expecting lots of dates and lots of sex to make it up to me but this is.....Thank you" he kissed my neck "I'm not done yet" he whispered in my ears then his warmth left my body as he backed away from me.

He handed me a cute little lock "This might be a little cheesy but I love you and ion wanna lose you so I want a way....lock us in." I smiled, this was the side of him I loved, he was so sweet when he wanted to be. I grabbed the locked from him and locked it on the gate "I'm locking in our love, I love you so much and no matter the fight....I still can't see my life without you" I said then threw the key in the water.

"So on that note" he said and I turned around to see him on one knee "Quincey" I whispered shocked, throwing my hands to cover my mouth,  is this what I think it is.

He cleared his throat "I hurt you and that was never my intentions, I meant it when I said I want to marry you, I want to build a life with you, and have kids with are my everything and I can't see my life without you....I want to spend the rest of my life with you....Deity Rose Carter will you do me the Honor of becoming my Queen...My Wife?" I was balling like a baby, I could barely get my words out as my voice was shaky "" he looked relieved, as if I was gonna say no to him. He put the ring on my finger and picked me up kissing me as people around us applauded us, I completely forgot they were there .

"It's beautiful" I was memorized by the ring "I love you so much" I heard people yell congratulations all a round us and all I could do was smile to the point where my cheeks hurt

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"It's beautiful" I was memorized by the ring "I love you so much" I heard people yell congratulations all a round us and all I could do was smile to the point where my cheeks hurt. "Let's get out of here" I said whispering in his ear and he nodded leading me away to the hotel room... the night was far from over.

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