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The looks the officers gave me were pitiful, but it didn't stop them from putting me in handcuffs and in the back of the car. My phone call went to the only number I had on me. He picked up on the third ring.
"That was quick. Where are you?" Was all he said and after I told him he hung up. There was no one else to call. No matter how many questions they asked me, I couldn't bring myself to speak. I stared at my hands instead, stained in my mother's blood, maybe even Richard's. Dead. Dead. Dead.

The door swung open a panicking officer in the doorway.
"What." The person questioning me said.

"Luca Luciano is here for the girl," he said and the officer in front of me glanced over me any pity gone. He reached across the table to take off the handcuffs, just as Angel boy walked through the door in all his glory. He was still dressed in the fancy black dress shirt, slacks, and shoes from earlier the top buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up, tattoos I hadn't noticed in the dark earlier exposed on his hands and arm. He'd come with one other person. A good looking man who had to be 6'3 considering Angel boy was at least 6'2. He couldn't be older than 23 and he had that same calm on his face.  Angel boy looked at me and with a wave, he beckoned me over, the officer watching us. Angel boy looked over my face, at my neck. With a gentle brush of his thumb over my lip he said softly but his voice full of ice.

"You should have let me kill him when he strangled you the first time." The officer flinched and Angel Boy looked over at him.

"This didn't happen." He simply said and the officer nodded.

He took my hand and pulled me out of the interrogation room, out of the police station where every eye followed us, and to a black SUV. He offered me a hand to climb inside and I took it numbly. He checked into a hotel penthouse and offered me the bathroom first. I made the water scalding hot and it wasn't until I settled down in the hot water, every bruise Richard had given me visible and the blood on my body floating in the water in front of me that I let myself cry. It came out in closed-off ugly sobs. One more month and she would have been free. One month and I could have freed us both. Angel boy was right, I should have let him kill Richard right in that alley. It was my fault my mother wasn't alive. I should have known Richard would take his anger out on her. I was so stupid and now she's dead. A knock at the door pulled me out of my miserable thoughts.  I'd been in the water long enough that it'd gone cold. I pulled myself from the water pulling on one of the complimentary robes. Angel boy was waiting in the sitting room. He gestured the seat across from him and I took it without a word.

"Just when I think you can't get any more interesting you do."  He tilted his head examining me, his gaze lingering on my face.

"Fai solamente parlare inglese o sai italiana?"

"Entrambi, io parlo sia."

"How did Victoria Rossi's granddaughter end up in New York living with an abusive bastard."

"I've never met my father let alone his mother. However my mother did tell me my grandmother didn't approve of her and my father."

"Mafia leaders typically have arranged relationships. Knowing Victoria it doesn't surprise me." He stated.

"Are you implying my family is mafia."

"Principessa, after the phone call I just got there's no doubt you're family is mafia. And apparently your grandmother wants you back."

"Fuck her. My grandmother can go to hell."

" That's between you and her. "he got up, picking a bag up from the front table. When he got closer I realised it was a first aid kit.He kneeled in front of me, his eyes, pools of gold, fixed intently upon my face, that was no doubt awful to look at. Gently he cleaned a cut I didn't even know I had on my forehead and put a bandage on it. When he'd cleaned every cut and passed me a packet of painkillers he stood returning the first aid kit to the table.

"Thank you," I said and he nodded in the direction of the bedroom behind me.

"There are clothes on the bed. You can stay or leave, it's up to you."

"Thank you." Was all I said heading back to the room he'd given me. I couldn't sleep if I wanted to. When the sun came up I thanked Angel boy once again, leaving a note on the table before leaving. Or at least trying to leave. Not even one step out of the building and I was being snatched and thrown in a black truck.

Mafia's PrincipessaWhere stories live. Discover now