Chapter 5 - The Rescue pt 1

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The moment Jake hung up the phone I felt my mouth go dry and my hopes of being saved slowly become smaller and smaller, I tried to make noise, any noise, just to let Spencer and the team know I was still alive, I just hope they had heard me.

"so wanna have more fun?" Jake said with a evil grin, I felt sick to my stomach, I had been free of him for so long yet now it was as if nothing had changed, everything I had done to avoid even the idea of him had been for nothing but I wasn't ready to give up just yet"they will find me you know that right?" I replied trying to delay the inevitable.

Though I had first thought that would get a rise out of him I was surprised to notice Jake didn't reply but instead walked over to the table and grabbed a big kitchen knife, I was met with an overwhelming urge to cry at the pain I was about to receive, to plead my innocence, but I was frozen in fear, Jake walked back to me with anger in his eyes.

" by the time they find you, you'll be dead you little whore" he snapped while stabbing the knife into my leg, I let out a painful scream that just made him laugh in response and proceed to stab the knife in further. Moments later he yanked the knife out of my leg and began to turn and walk out of the room, before he could leave I spoke up.

"you killed me parents didn't you" I said while maintaining eye contact "little miss FBI finally figured that out its a little late now isn't it?" he said "but why? What did they do to you?" I muttered, Jake let out a bored sigh, taking a few seconds to reply, striding back over to me he began to speak "Jason had everything didn't he? A beautiful wife, a stable job, a beautiful daughter" Jake said running a hand over my cheek to which I snapped my head the other way, I felt nauseous at his actions.

"I had to take it away from him. All of it, he didn't deserve it, he stole everything I could have been and I was left to rot, killing them was just a karma really" Jake spoke before turning on his heel and exciting the room
I felt tear roll down my cheeks 'my uncle killed his own brother how could someone do that' I thought to myself I wasn't sure if I was crying because of the pain from my leg or if I was crying because of what I had just found out about my parents death. I must have been really engrossed in my thoughts because I didn't realize that Jake had returned now sporting a gun in his left hand "are you ready to die you slut" Jake simply stated as if it was an everyday occurrence.

"Jake you don't want to do this " I pleaded, trying to buy myself and team some time before Jake fulfilled his plan "oh I think I do, you have no idea how long I've waited to do this, to kill the bitch that put me in prison" Jake said, my mind broke out in frantic thoughts on how I could break free before he could do anything but all thoughts were met with dead ends, most of them only aiding him "please, don't do this, if you want to ever get be free again you'll think this through again" I stuttered pulling even harder on my restraints "I know full well that I'm never getting free, not after everything I've done. I might as well end you before I go back" I couldn't fight the tears that rolled down my cheeks, I didn't want to die.

"Jake Sanders! FBI where are you?" I heard a loud voice bellow, my sense lit up in the hope that I had been found, "I told you they would find me" I muttered before I screamed out "GUYS WE ARE IN THE BASEMENT" yet again yanking desperately on my restraints.

Jake muttered profanities as he frantically rushed around the room "they ruined my only chance. What am I going to do now?" He angrily mumbled before stomping over to the table, snatching the gun off the table that he placed back down during our conversation.

"I wanted to take my time, make you feel the pain I've had while being away but even that you had to ruin before I could" Jake spät storming back over to me raising the gun, tilting the gun off to its side slightly "Don't! Please" I tried pleading.
I heard the noise before I registered the pain. Jake had fired the bullet into my upper stomach, the impact itself hit me at such force I was pushed back into the chair, falling to the ground, my head hit the concrete.

My mind went completely blank, I tried so hard to stabilize myself, too keep my eyes open, give myself every chance of survival I possible could, but the pain itself was so blinding my eyelids refused to remain open for more then 5 seconds. A warm tear slid down my face as I heard yelling invade the room.

'Please don't let this be the end' I remembered thinking before my eyes refused to open again.

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