Chapter 12 - Solving the case

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we sat there with my arms around Olivia with her head rested on my just for what seemed like forever I had noticed she had fallen asleep....she looked so cute when she was asleep I looked down at my watch my eye took awhile to focus..crap it's 7:00.

"hey Olivia we need to get up" I said while gently shaking her.

she groaned in response I chuckled to myself.

"come on its 7:00 we will be late" I said extending my hand to help her up she took it.

"crap Ill be right back!" She said running out of my hotel room I couldn't help but smile

I slipped into a dark purple business shirt, a black vest and blacks slacks I grabbed my brown book bag and headed towards Olivia's room.

I knocked on the door, moments later the door opened reviling a smiling Olivia...she looked beautiful.

"hey ready to go?"I asked.

"uh...yeah Ill just get my phone" I  said turning around to get her phone I quickly grabbed her hand she turned around with a confused expression I leaned and kissed her I felt her smile into the kiss, I pulled away reluctantly.

I let her go so she could grab her phone and we began to walk down the stairs to the lobby with smiles painted on our faces.

we walk to the lobby to meet the team they gave us confused looks probably because of our wide grins we both quickly wiped the grins off our face and blushed, Morgan gave me a wink I glared at him.

"okay so now the teams all head we can all go to the police department" Hotch said


when we got to the police department I was totally engrossed in my thoughts I hadn't realized JJ was talking to me.

"earth to Olivia!?" JJ said in a hushed yell

"oh sorry what did you say?" I asked.

"I asked you what was the smile you and Spencer were sharing about?" she asked with a smirk.

"oh it was nothing"I said lying horribly.

"really your trying to lie to a FBI agent" Emily said walking up behind me.

"fine but if I tell you two, there has to be no over reacting okay?" I said
they nodded in unison.

"okay so last night I went to Spencer's room at like 4:00 because I had another nightmare memories thing and he said to tell him if they came back"I began they both said aw but I ignored them and continued "and I told him how grateful I was for him and he kissed me."I finished and looked down at my feet.

"that's so cute!!"JJ squealed

"so what are you girls talking about?" Morgan asked coming up behind  me.

"nothing" I said before JJ or Emily could say anything I gave them a look saying 'please don't say anything' they just smiled and nodded.

"well bye guys I'm gonna go find Reid" I said which caused them to giggle like school girls.

Morgan ran after me "hey what was that about?" he asked obviously already knowing

"oh nothing for you to worry about" I replied with a playful wink as I turned into the room Spencer was in

"hey I was just trying to figure out what the cards mean"Spencer said

"okay did you find anything"I asked hopeful.

"well I was looking where the dump-sites are and it looks like they are going around in a circle shape" I explained pointing to the map that showed the sites.

"okay so that could mean that the murderer lives or has some kind of connection to the area within the circle" I added.

"that's what i thought to" Spencer said giving me a wide smile

"lets go tell the team" i said smiling we both  walked together to were the team were talking i got a few looks from JJ and Emily but i ignored them.

"guys Olivia and i found something" Spencer said

once we had Explained what we found the team agreed "well done you two now we just need to find out who has motive and lives in that area."Hotch said as the team began to leave.


"i think i found something!!!" i said shooting up from my seat

"what??" Spencer asked sounding confused as did the whole team

"okay so you know how the card is a cancer star sign and the victims all have been affected by cancer in one way or another well i thought that was really weird so i looked into if there was any support groups for people affected by something like that" i stopped to take a breath "and there was a group right here its right in the middle of the dump-site area."i finished the team looked impressed i looked over to Hotch.

"good work Agent Sanders we will meet at the SUV's in 5 minutes"with that said the team left to get ready to leave.

when we got to the group house for affected cancer patients Morgan stopped at the door we all had our guns un-holstered "FBI open up or we are coming in" Morgan yelled no response, he ran into the door it broke clean off we all walked in shouting clear i walked into a room to clear it when a fist collided with me jaw i stumbled back trying to regain my focus when another punch to my nose i felt blood trickle down my face i threw a punch into the unsubs face suddenly he was tackled to the ground as i heard Morgan giving the unsub his rights i felt arms wrap around my waist i was completely in shock because of how fast it had happened i was taken out to an ambulance that was waiting outside.

Moments later Spencer rushed up to me "hey are you okay?" i asked sounding very concerned "yeah I'm fine Spence don't worry" i said forcing a smile i stood up about to give him a hug when Hotch came to talk to me "ill see you on the plane Olivia" he said walking away

"Agent Sanders you did very well on this case" Hotch said

"thank you sir" i replied with a faint smile.

(A/N hey guys thanks for Reiding sorry for no update yesterday i wasn't feeling that great and i began to write and my dad accidentally deleted it and i know this is an awkward place to end the chapter but I'm going to write the "plane scene" now any ways stay Awesome Gubler Nation)

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