Chapter 17 - Girlfriend?

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'don't hurt them, they don't know anything, why are you applauding....there's so much blood' Olivia kept repeating these sentences in her sleep i was just about to get up to comfort her when Morgan and JJ stopped me i didn't want to cause a scene so i obeyed.

i watched as JJ and Morgan talked to Olivia i looked away and moments later JJ and Morgan came back to where we were sitting before as Morgan began to talk to Hotch JJ spoke to me "hey um.....Olivia just told us about her recurring dreams and when we mentioned maybe seeing a therapist she pleaded that we didn't make her see one.......and i know your really close to her so maybe you could think about either talking to her or trying to get her mind off it" i nodded in reply, all the new information swirling in my brain

once the plane landed i noticed Olivia was off first, i wanted to stop her but what could i say.


***next day***

i walked into the bullpen with my head down and headed straight to my desk. feeling everyone's eyes on me i slumped into my chair and stared at the mound of paperwork on my desk i picked up a folder and began to fill it out.

i was half way through the pile of paperwork when i decided to go get a coffee. i walked into little 'kitchen' and stared at the coffee pot as it heated up...when it was done i pour the hot liquid into my cup and walked back to my desk to see the pile of papers gone and where they were sitting was a note:

Dear Olivia

don't worry about the paperwork go home and ill be at your house at 7:00 wear something casual we are staying in tonight maybe watch a movie? i cleared it with Hotch just go home and relax xx


i looked over to Spencer's desk to see him grinning like a kid in a candy store but keeping his eyes on the paperwork, i then looked over to JJ and Emily who were nodding like lunatics then over to Morgan who just shrugged i chuckled to myself and left i drove home still overly happy about what had just happened.

once i was home i ran inside and changed into black leggings and a red flannel shirt then grabbed a duvet and a couple of pillows and lay them out on my couch i ran into the kitchen and put so popcorn in the microwave and put some chips in a bowl once the popcorn was done and in a bowl i placed the two bowls on the coffee table when i heard a knock i rushed to the door knowing it was Spencer i took a deep breath before opening the door

standing on the other side of the door was Spencer with a wide smile

"come in" i said while moving aside

"you didn't have to do this"i continued

"i wanted to plus i like paperwork" he replied with a chuckle

i lead him into the living room "so i was thinking maybe we could watch Angles & Demons" as i said this i saw Spenser's face light up which made me chuckle i put the movie in sat next Spencer on the couch with my head on his chest and his arm around me.

half way through the movie i felt Spencer looking at me i tilted my head up to meet his gaze "what are you thinking about?" i asked "can i ask you something?" i asked ignoring my question

"yeah of course" i said with a smile

"will you be my girlfriend?" Spencer asked nervously

i lent up and kissed him "of course i will!" i saw the wide smile forming on this face i giggled and rested my head back on his chest my eyes fluttered shut and for once in a long time i feel asleep happy.

(A/N hey guys thanks for Reiding yay there together awww isn't that cute anyways stay awesome Gubler nation)

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