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DISCLAIMER/ MUST READ: I have nothing against 5th harmony. I'm actually a huge fan of them. This is all for the purpose of the story thank you and enjoy


~Amelia's POV~

It was the next morning. Last night was amazing, Harry actually fell asleep on the couch in our hotel room. He just left a couple of minutes ago. I woke up and took a nice hot shower while playing 'King for a Day' By Pierce the Veil ft Kellin Quinn.

~Jamie's POV~

I went to the Luke and Calum's since Amelia was taking a shower.

"Hey guys" I say as I entered the room

"You guys should really lock that door" I added

"Hey babe" Calum says and kisses me on the lips.

"Hey Jamie, where's Amelia? " Luke asked

"Oh she's taking a shower " I say

"Ok so I have a date night planed for all of us. I got us tickets and backstage passes to your guy's favorite band" Luke said

"You got us Pierce the Veil tickets " I say excitedly

"No, fifth harmony " Luke says

"Ugh gross, they aren't even a band, their a girl group smart one. Plus we don't like 5H" I say

"What you guys don't like 5H but why?" Calum asked

"Did you guys not see the huge Twitter war they started with us. Lauren Jauregui and Amelia are not two people who can be in the same room at the same time " I say

"Well who and who don't get along" Cal asked

" Dinah Jane Hansen and Ashley hate each other. Lauren Jauregui and Amelia despise each other.

Camila Cabello and Emily are discussed by the sight of each other. Ally Brooke and Me ,well we full on hate each other." I say

"What about Normani Kordei?" Luke asked

"She's ok...for now " I say

"Wow so that much hate will go down tonight " Luke asked

"And maybe a couple of cat flights " I say

"Listen I won't tell any of the girls where were going I'll just say to bring noise canceling head phones" I say and Calum laughs

Luke slapped Calum on the arm.

"Oi mate what was that for" Calum says rubbing his arm

"Just don't tell the girls ok?" Luke said

"Ok, but I'm just saying Amelia along with me and the rest of the girls would have rather wanted to see Pierce the Veil " I say and go back to the room me and k were sharing.

"Amelia?" i say

"I'm in here" I hear her say her voice was off tho it cracked a little. Oh no

"Amelia open the door!" i screamed

"Jamie I'll be fine I promise" Amelia says

"Open the fucking door Amelia!" I screamed

Amelia opened the door. I looked at her thighs but she was wearing pants, I look up to she her bloody wrist.

"Amelia!" I screamed horrified

"Is there something wrong we heard screaming ?" I hear Luke and Calum barge in

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