Dramione Muggle University AU

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(Set in Muggle America because yah, Draco and Hermione go to school together and the girl at the top is an OC)


Almost done

So close

Those were the only things that went through my mind as I finished my last mile of my daily five mile run.

Usually I go for my runs in the morning at the park but today, since Wednesday is gym day, I went later. 8 p.m. to be exact. I ended school for the day and didn't have work until the weekend so I didn't have much to do. 

I heard from my source (also a friend of mine) that Malfoy was going out with some chick. On Wednesday. Today.

These thoughts raced through me as fast as I ran.

That source being Blaise Zabini, he knew because his dorm mate was the one going out. He was able to score the date and time (kinda) but didn't know the girl.

As my thick dark curls bobbed up and down in my ponytail while I ran, some stuck to my sweat covered neck as I had been here for hours.

I finished my run on the treadmill and walked back to my locker to get my bag and leave. It didn't take long to get my things and find my car. My parents car actually, someone slashed my tires and somehow messed my baby up while doing so. My girl was currently at Sirius and Regulus' shop while the worked their magic on her.

It also didn't take long to get driving and notice a  Dutch Bro's coming into view. It was late but that didn't stop me from getting some coffee like I wanted.

I pulled into the drive through and ordered my drink. After that I pulled up to the window. That's when I saw it. The coal black r8 pulled up behind me.

Draco's car

But it wasn't just him, there was a girl, also with platinum blonde hair and a black or green headband.


Darling Briar is one of three children and the only girl. She's a brat and a player. I know, I've dated her brother.

But that doesn't matter right now, I was about to pay but I had the most wicked idea in a long time.

I scribbled on a piece of paper I found with a pen that was running out of ink.

I pay not only for my till but for the 'couple in back of me' which I also asked the cashier if she could give them the note. Of course she looked at me weird but then I explained the boy was a friend on mine and the we went to Uni together.

After I got my coffee I went to leave but imaginary traffic was in the way. I waited until he received the note then took that as my signs to drove off.

I'm going to get an earful for this one...

I drove back to my dorm I shared with Lavender Brown and started working on my Business work that wasn't due until Friday.

It was about ten p.m. now which wasn't that late but I knew if I went to bed now I would miss the call.

I waited about ten more minutes before taking a bath. I was right in the middle of it when I got a call.

The caller ID read:

Draco Malfoy (the biggest prat)

I answered the call with a innocent sounding, "Hello?"

"What did you do!" A voice shouted from the other end.

"I'm not sure, I have done a lot of things. You're gonna have to be more specific." I reply in the coolest tone I could muster.

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