mentol iwwness

564 14 4

(katsuki bakugou) -tbh this one funky


you sat in the quiet of your dorm room alone, and instead of drowning in the silence, you decided that listening to the music that soundtracked the best time in your life sounded like a better fate.

originally, you had thought you were going to feel the thrill that you felt during those times, and maybe that would distract you from the sinking feeling your mind was constantly ridden with.

but, it didnt.

honestly, you couldnt even replay the memories that the song reminded you of. and even if you would have, you couldnt remember the words anyway.

you sighed, this depression shit fucking sucked.

you tried to think about what it had sprouted from, thinking back through your middle school and elementary years, but you couldn't really come up with anything monumental that started it.

it had always just come and gone.

it was like a roller coaster throughout your life, there were months that the things your mind said were just excruciating to hear, and everyone around you was just too boring to be around for more than an hour.

you were mostly tired. like, drained. more than normal lately, and you wondered if the past few months of feeling slightly better were over, and you were going to delve back into the state of your depression that you hated most.

you had three assignments due in two days sitting on your desk, and you felt their stares as you tossed and turned in your bed.

you rolled onto your left side and continued to scroll through tiktok.

though, even that was getting disgustingly boring.

hell, you didnt even have enough motivation to make up scenarios in your head to help you sleep! this shit was insane.

insane enough that maybe an adventure to the common room would ease it. okay, you decided now, at 12:26am that you were going to make the trek to the kitchen and get a glass of water. maybe after that you'd be so exhausted that you could get at least a few hours of sleep.

hastily, you got up from the bed, and slipped on your favorite robe, which hadnt been washed for weeks by the way, and slowly began walking down the hallway.

now, not that you had considered anyone else being awake, but you had absolutely no doubt in your mind that every single student would be either dead asleep or holed up in their rooms.

so, when your footsteps echoed onto the kitchen tiles, you were genuinely surprised to see the explosive blonde hair of the one guy who never got boring to stick out from behind the other side of the fridge.

"what the fuck?" the two of you spoke at the same time.

you looked at him, bewildered. "why are you up? dont you go to bed at like 8:30?"

"8:32." he corrected, averting his eyes from you and back to the stove that he was hovering over. "couldn't sleep. why're you up?"

you sighed, and began to trudge to the cabinets. "same."

you felt his scowl as you maneuvered around him. "what are you, on your period or something? you've been weird lately." he spoke lowly and timidly, obviously keeping a close eye on you.

"no, asshole. im not on my period." you glared, genuine hate in your eyes. "god i fucking hate men." you then decided you were going to ignore him, and go back to bed with your glass of water in peace.

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