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Phil's p.o.v

I heard someone knock on the front door . I don't really feel like doing anything . Indo was at his brothers house , Viet was out with his othee friends and Mal said whe was with her states . Than I hear the knock get louder .

"I'm coming , I'm coming . Geez " I open the door to see . Martial

Meet Martial Law

.•Phil's older brother
•Younger than Del

"Bro what are you doing here?" I ask . He just shrugged. I let him in an we started to chitchat a little . Catch up on everything .Then decided to go on a walk .

Indo's p.o.v

Me , PKI , Timor and Papua are at the park . Timor and Papua was playing at the playground having fun .while they're young . PKI is watching them making sure they don't do anything stupid . It was just a fine and calming day

Oh so you thought

Melaka's p.o.v

I wake up and decided to take a little stroll by the shore . I see Sabah sleeping on a mat with Johor's blanket . I then see someone a familiar face . I blinked a couple of times then realized nobody was there I freaked out little . I just went back to my tent . Hopefully trying to fall asleep .

Mal's p.o.v
I wake up hearing someone calling my name I got up and saw her ...

Sorry ity short :-[>.< I tried my best and I had no motivation sowwy . - EchaMalaya or just call me Echa

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