East Timor Leste

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PNG's p.o.v

" Timor hurry up!" I shouted waiting for her . We're going to be late for school. " Coming." She runs down stairs .
I growl at her for keeping me waiting. She laughs a little being embarrassed . We walk to school we actually live with PKI Timor's older brother . I just live with them we got to school in a couple of minutes.
Welp here comes another day in priso- I meen hel- I meen school .

Indo's p.o.v

Me , Phil and Mal is just casually talking about 'stuff' I think I hear something we look back and I ws tackled by my little girl . " Hey Timor." I smile at ny younger sister . " Hey Bigbro ! " Timor laugh's she was with Papua he smiles at me .
" How are you guys doing? " I ask them . " We're doing just fine BroPKI is always grumpy so everything is going just fine . How about you KakIndo ?" Timor ask me . " Everything is going just as normally as ever . Phil and Viet is dating too." I whisper the last part tho . " Hey I heard that ." Phil says blushing even the blue part of his flag is red now . " Really?! And who is tha?" I look behind me Timor was pointing at Mallie." Oh I almost forgot this is my new friend Malaysia! " I mentioned/ introduced her to Timor .
Mallie just smile " Hi! I'm Timor Leste I am indo's younger sister and this is my best friend Papua New Guinea . You can call me Timor for short. " Timor say exited to see I have another friend oh I meen her new friend . " It's nice to meet you Timor I'm Malaysia or Mal for short." Mal answers with a cute smile on her fa- . NO INDO SHE IS YOUR FRIEND but she is so - NO BAD INDO BAD!


And the bell rings " Alright Timor time for class see you soon ok ? Oh and tell PKI that I said Hi ." I said kissing my sister's forehead . I then run straight to class . I have math I sit down at my table. " Alright class..." I don't really care about Math it's boring .

~ Time skip brought to you by Author~

We went to the library for english because our English teacher didn't feel good today and on Saturday we're going on a field trip. It was recess we sit at the school garden all the ASEAN was here exept for Mallie .
I get worried about her but Bru says shes probably safe . I then see Mal with China's group Mal was laughing with her sweet smile China and Jap was blushing. What's this feeling wait am I jeloussed but why ?

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