Field trip!

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Phil's p.o.v

Today we're going on a field trip. " Phil I can't find my songkok !" and great he lost it again for the fifth time this week! " Have you tried searching in your closet?" I question him. " Oh found it."
"Then hurry up . We're going to be late for the field trip!" I shouted.
" Alright don't need to be so grumpy Mr. We're going to be late ." He says teasingly . We arrive at school the teachers told us to get in line . We are going to be riding a big travel bus .
I then see Viet waving at me to come sit with him . I sit beside him then he put his arm around my shoulder and I give him a oeck on the cheek.

Indo's p.o.v

I went to sit beside my sister although I prefer Mallie- . She was sitting with Nekomi and Estonia .
She was wearing like she always does but yellow with a hint of gold .
She was so pretty- wait what is wrong with me these days . I'm going to ask PKI after the field trip .
We then arrive at the zoo we are decided into groups of seven . My group includes Mallie , Nekomi, Phil , Viet , Bella and NZ .
We bring notebooks as told we ate going to be collecting information on the things we see during the field trip. " Alright students follow me ." A girl lead us throughout the place .
We've seen Tiger's wich is Mal's fav animal . Elephants I get to feed them , beautiful deer's , crocodile wich was not my fav and also marine life . We also saw sharks of all sorts of type , colourful little fish , salmon😲 , seal and also feeding the marine animals too .
We get back on the bus and I heard Mallie conversation with Nekomi . " Hey Mal do you know my brother , Jap think's You're cute ." I feel my face burning up feeling mad . " Aw really ? Please tell him that I say he's also a nice , sweet and caring person for me. " I felt even more mad.

Nekomi's p.o.v

I smile at her as an ok. I look at my massage it was from Taiwan and Viet

Viet : Well done Nekomi Indo is definitely mad a.k.a jealous

I laugh a bit at the last part.

Taiwan you should see how mad China is he is so annoyed .I can't even see the yellow star's on his flag.😆

I look at China's seet and he is right I can't even see his star's .

Nekomi : Time for phase two .

I then put down my phone smiling to myself like a maniac .

Taiwan's p.o.v

Nekomi : Time for phase two .

I put down my phone . Then look at China who is still red " What's wrong dude ?" I question him . He just growl at me . " I'll take that as a yes ." I teas him on the other side was NK a.k.a North Korea snickering.

Phil's p.o.v

We got to our final destination The Historical Museum . " Alright wich part of the museum should we go to first?" Nekomi happily smiled .
" How about we go into groups of two and scavenge the whole museum. So it would be faster ." Mallie suggest .

" Great idea I'll go will go with Bella." Nekomi says . " Yeah!" Bella happily agreeing ." I'll go with Phil and also Indo you go with Mal." Viet says Indo start's blushing madly. I was holding my laughter's. " I'll go by myself. " NZ says .

We then go our separate ways. I then see something that make my head ache . There was a map of Malaysia and when I read the last state it made my head ache 'Sabah'
. It kind of brings back terrible memories?

Mallie p.o.v

It was almost time to go then I saw China I grab Indo by the sleeve's . " Hey , China!" I call for him his cheeks had a hint of bright red. " Hi Mal ." He smiles at me.
We chatted for awhile and it was time to go home.
I cycled home took a bath and change my clothes . I then I head to the orchard .When I got there.........

Everything is destroyed one of the last work my family had left . It's destroyed . All the work that I put into it all .... Everything is destroyed everything ...

Hey guys I'm just gonna ask who should I ship China with ? Alright that's all assalamualaikum , goodbye and selamat tinggal dari EchaMalaya.

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