the fight

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"HOW COULD YOU KIAN? AFTER EVERYTHING I HAVE DONE, AFTER ALL WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH! HOW. COULD. YOU.", you said. Tears filled your eyes, streming down your face.

Kian looked at the ground, he was crying. He bit his lip looked up at you and said: "(Y/N), I swear she meant nothing to me. I wish I hadn't done it, believe me."

A tear spilled down your face. "well it did happen, how do i know you did tell her this? That i meant NOTHING to you. how can i possibly trust you again?" you yelled.

"I dont know..."

Silence fell between the two of you, you walked up to kian and said;

"I at least thought you'd put up a fight. I guess im not worth it. We're done." You walked out of Kian's house, tears relentless to stop streaming down your face. You slammed the door, walked to your car, and sat down. You turned the ignition on and took a deep breath. But it was to much. You sobbed histerically, resting your head on the staring wheel. Only a few minutes later, someone tapped on the driver side window. You turned, hoping to see kian.

But it wasn't. Standing there was a blonde boy, looking at you concerningly. You rolled down the window.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked.

{Luke Hemmings} ; ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now