Measure 9

181 11 1

Later that night, Yui's new phone began to buzz on the stand beside her bed. The screen displayed 'new message,' so she pressed the flashing button to read the awaited message from Reiji.

Almost as if she were talking to him directly, she read his message as she imagined his voice. He would kindly say: 'I'm back at Saotome Academy. I hope you're alright, but you should already be asleep. So sleep well, Yuyu!'

She smiled sweetly, sliding under the thick covers and beginning to type a message back to her friend. 'That's good. I am still awake, but I will be going to bed soon. Thank you, Reiji.'

Almost immediately, her phone vibrated again. She couldn't keep herself from pouting at the response she received. 'Hah!' She read. 'You're still formal while texting. Lighten up, okay?'

'Stop teasing me.' Yui frowned as she sent the text.

'But Yuyu is so cute! I can't help teasing you! I'm going to bed, so goodnight Yui. Don't let the bed-bugs bite.'

She felt her cheeks become warm as her heart fluttered. She had felt this a few times before; once with Reiji and more often with Otoya, and it was the one thing that allowed her to compose the song.

'Goodnight, Reiji.'

Just as she sent the last message, the devise vibrated signaling another message.

'Hey, whenever you see this, tell me what you think!' It was then followed by another seemingly eager text. 'Well, you're probably asleep. So when you wake up...' And then another. 'I mean, don't rush... and sleep well!'

Yui released a laugh, reading every word in Otoya's energetic voice. 'I'm awake. What did you want me to look at?' She sent back to him.

Within moments, a video shined on her screen. There were no images to watch, but her heart raced when she heard Otoya's singing voice accompanied with the sound of his acoustic guitar.

He was singing the song she wrote, adding lyrics to the bridge that hadn't been touched yet. Her heart felt so joyful at the sound of his voice, especially when he sang her song.

'Perfect' was the only thing she could tell him.

'You think it was perfect? It's just a rough idea...' He soon replied back.

Yui laughed. 'It needs a bit of refining... but it's perfect for the song. It makes me happy to listen to it.'

'Gosh, you're making me blush! If it makes you happy, then it is "perfect."' The girl felt her stomach flutter excitedly as her cheeks reddened in the darkness of her hotel room. Just before she replied, she received another text from Otoya. 'Hey, do you wanna do something tomorrow not involving the song? It's good to get a break every once in a while...' It was then followed by a series of other messages. 'I mean, if you're not busy...' And then, 'Only if you want to! If you want to work on the song some more that's alright, too!'

'Sure.' She responded as she yawned tiredly, finally realizing how exhausted she was. 'I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Otoya.'


In the morning, she read a text from Otoya saying to meet him at ten o'clock. Before she left for the camp, Yui's mother had prepared an outfit that she instructed the girl to wear if she were to ever hang out with friends outside of classes. And so, there really wasn't any question of 'what to wear.'

She tied her hair up, leaving long chocolate strands to frame her face along with her overgrown bangs. But of course, the frilly pale pink dress and denim jacket didn't seem to suit her, as well as the heeled shoes her mother instructed her to wear.

Yui sighed as she left the comfort of her room, blushing immediately when she saw Otoya waiting for her outside of his own room. Dressed coolly in a leather jacket and jeans, he offered her a hand.

"I've had tickets to go to an amusement park in town. I heard it's really great, so I wanted to go with you." He chuckled, his cheeks becoming painted a light pink. He opened his vibrant eyes to see Yui nod, but the color on his cheeks darkened. "You look really cute, Yui!"

As if the girl's face wasn't red enough, it became the same color as the boy's fiery hair. "My mom told me to wear it." She mumbled, gripping on the hem of her skirt shyly.

"But you look really cute... I may just have to guard you from other guys that are around." Otoya laughed again, scratching the back of his head.

"You don't need to guard me." Yui stated with a frown.

"But Yui is so cute so other guys may want to take her away from me today." This earned a giggle from the girl as she struggled to understand his logic.  "What's so funny about that?"

She wasn't able to calm her laughter.  "I've never had to fear that kind of situation before, so I find it funny that you're concerned about it."

"Well, whatever." Otoya pouted. "Let's go!" He shyly turned away from Yui as she followed quietly, hiding her own excitement for the events to come.

Before long, the two were surrounded by bustles of joyful people that flooded the amusement park.  As they tried to navigate through the rivers of park attendees, Otoya grasped onto the girl's insecure hand.  Though, she had trouble keeping up with the quick boy in her slightly raised heels.

When he finally noticed her lagging pace, the fiery-haired boy finally slowed and looked to the brunette with a concerned expression.  ''Are you alright?" He asked.

Yui was panting exhaustedly as she rested her palms on her knees. "You’re really fast..."

Otoya ran back to the girl, placing his hands on her shoulders and looking at her silver eyes. "I'm sorry... I thought you would just want to find a way out of this crowd." His warm eyes seemed truly troubled.  "We can sit down for a little white if you like. Or, I can go get a drink..."

For some reason, when it came to this energetic boy, Yui couldn't help but laugh when she was with him. "I'm alright. Just slow down a bit, okay?" She chuckled between the breaths that she tried to catch.

"I'm sorry... Let me know sooner next time, alright? I don't want you to get hurt..." His vibrant gaze seemed saddened. Yet, she assured him with a bright smile.

Then, the sound of a few bystanders' words was heard by the two musicians.  "That girl over there..." One of the boys, most likely about the same age as Yui and Otoya, whispered, raising a brow in their direction.  "... isn't she a cutie?" He flashed a bright smile.

"Surely we can drag her away from that guy..." Another of the group suggested.

But what infuriated Otoya were the next words he heard them mutter. "She looks like the kind of girl we can mess around with." Followed by a deep, threatening chuckle.

"Shut up!" The angered red-head spat, using all of his strength to punch the jaw of the boy who said those words.  The impact of the attack forced the boy to the ground.  "You have no right to say those things about her!" Otoya shouted, edging closer to the group that had talked about Yui.

"And who are you to be attacking us?!" One of the boys asked, puffing his chest arrogantly.

But it didn't faze the fiery determination and frustration of the idol as he easily punched that boy as well.

"She's a very precious person to me! And there's no way I'll let anyone treat her like trash!"

The Melody of the Heart (Otoya x OC x Reiji)Where stories live. Discover now