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"Yes Louis. I'm getting off the plane right now," I say into the phone as I walk out of the tunnel coming off the plane. "No I'll catch a cab...Yes I'm sure...Okay I'll text you when I get there." I tell Louis as I pull my carry on over my shoulder as I walk out of the airport. "Okay. Thanks Lou." I put the phone on my shoulder so I can yell at a cab to get me without bursting Louis ear-drums.

"I have to go. I'm getting into the cab now... Yes I know where it is you've told me ten times now," I say rolling my eyes as I open the cab door. "Louis! Stop worrying okay? I'm fine I'm only 20 minutes away from you tops." I yell at him through the phone as I sit down and close the door to the cab.

"Okay, okay. I love you too Lou. See you soon," I tell him smiling. I hang up the call and look at the cab driver.

"Here to see your boyfriend?" He asks.

"Yes, I am actually," I say and smile before I tell him where to go to according to Louis.

"Good luck getting in the doors there. This boy band called One Direction is staying there; their fans have the place flooded," He tells me looking back at me through the review mirror.

I smile to myself. "I'm familiar with them," I say giggling to myself a little. Right then my phone rings. I look down and see it's a message from Louis.

'I miss you :( I can't wait for you to get here!'

Smile at how cute Louis is. Louis is like my older brother. I've known him for about a year now. He's the reason why I'm in LA today, really. I've been in Florida for the last four months recording an album, promoting it, and trying to get my name out there. My manager Chris found me on YouTube so he got me a flight down to Florida and he and I went to every recording company for a month. Finally I was signed to one.

Harry and I had only been dating a few months before I went down to Florida. For the first two months we Facetimed, texted, and called each other 24/7. But lately he hasn't been talking to me much. I've ignored it because I know he's very busy. But Louis told me that Harry has been acting really weird since I left, so he got this whole three day trip planned out as a surprise for Harry.

Louis thought it would be good for both of us to see each other again. I wish I can spend more time there with the boys but sadly I was only able to get three days off. I get a chill and pull my sweaters sleeve over my hands.

The cab pulls up outside a very big and expensive looking hotel. I open the door and get my suitcase out too. I hand the cab driver my money I owed, smiling. "Have a good day!" He tells me.

"You too!" I say in return as I wave goodbye. I turn and start walking to the hotel. Taking my phone out I quickly text Louis that I'm outside the hotel. I walk into the huge Lobby and go to the secretary. "Hi. I need a room key for Harry Styles," I tell the lady forgetting that she probably won't know me.

"Really? So does every other teenage girl in this room. Get in line," She tells me pointing to tons and tons of girls with One Direction shirts, signs, bracelets, the whole nine yards.

"Sorry. I'm Harry's girlfriend. I'm here to see him." I tell her smiling. Ever since I got on the plane I haven't been able to stop smiling.

"Uh-huh. That's what they say too," She says flatly.

"I'm Alison More,," I tell her. I push a piece of my blonde hair behind my hair as I take my ID out of my wallet. "See."

"How do I know that that's not fake?" She says referring to my ID.

I sigh. I'm too tired from jet-lag, already, to have to argue about if I'm really who I am. I look around the room and get an Idea. I walk up to a group of girls talking. "Hey girls. You know who I am right?" I say as I approach them.

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