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*A year and a half later*

I nervously play with the end or my long blonde hair that is naturally straight but has been curled for this event. I've never liked red carpet events, I always get nervous. There's just too many people screaming, taking pictures, or wanting a quick interview.

"You ready?"

I let the piece of hair slip through my fingers. I look up at Luke Hemmings, and nod my head yes. I've been dating Luke for four months now. I'm really nervous because this will be the first time we go out in public as dating. He's really a lovely person, I really like him and he helps me a lot. We met while I was in Australia for a couple concerts. I was out walking around and I bumped into him, literally, I didn't see him and I walked straight into him. One thing led to another and here we are, dating.

I loved Australia when I was there; in fact I even bought a house right on the beach. Right now Luke and I are back in my home town, LA, for a music award show.

Luke takes my hand into his before he opens the door. He takes the lead by stepping out of our limo and onto the red carpet. Cameras flash in our direction, slightly blinding me. I step out and fix my red dress before I start walking with Luke.

We pause for pictures and slowly we start to make our way into the building. I look around and thankfully there is no paparazzi in there. After a moment a few girls with Five Seconds of Summer merch come up to us and ask for pictures and autographs, and we gladly accept.

"Are you performing Alison?" One of the girls asks me. She's probably only sixteen but she's only an inch shorter than me. She's pretty, dark hair with hazel eyes. I smile at her comment. 5sos fans are so much easier to get along with; they don't ever send me hate for dating their Idol. They're defiantly a lot nicer to me than Directioners were when I was dating Harry.

A pang of sadness runs through me at the thought of Harry. I haven't talked to Harry- or any of the other boys for that matter -since that night. I've moved on of course but I guess a part of me will never move on. Some small part of me will always have feelings for Harry. I guess just because he was my first love and whatnot.

"Yes, I am. I'm singing 'My Heart Goes Bum Bum Bum'," I tell her forcing the thought of Harry out of my mind.

"That's my favorite! I can't wait!" She squeals; I smile in return. I hear a few people calling my name. Once I turn around I see three of my fans.

"I'm going to go talk to them," I whisper to Luke. He says okay and I give him a kiss on the cheek before I walk over to my fans.

"Oh my gosh Ali!" The girl screams. I smile even though my ear drums are about to burst.

"Calm down Lilly," A guy next to her tells her. He look's about the same age as her. He's cute, brown hair and green eyes, he reminds me of Harry. I slightly frown.

The girl, Lilly I'm guessing, rolls her eyes at him. "Will you sign my phone case?" She asks quickly pulling out a pink iPhone case.

"Of Course!" I bring my attention back to her as I scribble down my name on the case. After that she asks to take a picture with me, so we do.

"Um.." The kid that looks a bit like Harry comes closer to me not acting as confident as he has these past few minutes. "Will you sign my shirt?"

I smile as he turns around for me to sign his back. It looks like he's met quite a bit of famous people and has had all of them sign this same shirt. I recognize some of the names. Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, and Ed Sheeran.. wait Ed Sheeran?

"Oh my gosh! You've met Ed Sheeran! No way, I love Ed. He's my inspiration," I tell him while I find an empty spot on the shirt, sign it, then hand back the marker.

"Yeah, I met him last year. I've had this shirt for a while," He says to me smiling, defiantly proud of Ed Sheeran's name on it along with all the other big names he has on it.

"Come on Jack! We have to go before it starts," Lilly tells him before she turns to me. "I can't believe I'm meeting you. Would it be too much if I ask you for a hug?" She asks giggling.

I shake my head no and engulf her in a big hug which Jack soon joins making it a group hug. Lilly and I laugh at him. "Good bye!" They yell back to me as the make their way into the place people will be getting awards in. I laugh and wave back at them. I slightly smile to myself thinking I have the best fans in the world.

I was pulled out of my thinking by someone calling my name questionably. I stopped everything right then. I may have even stopped breathing for a moment. My head spun. Memories flashed through my head as if I was watching a movie in fast forward. I could pick out that voice in a crowd of hundreds. That voice soothed me at moments I thought I could never be calm. That was the voice of a best friend long gone.

I slowly turned and saw Niall standing there, with Zayn at his side.

It's crazy how one voice could bring back so much.

I hope you all liked that chapter! I'll be trying to update every Sunday! So please stay tuned. Also any comments or votes would be really appreciated! Thank you! Vote for chapter two to be posted next Sunday!(:

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