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Yeonjun- first perspective:

I breathed out heavily and tried not to moan in pain as I dipped the cotton into my wound.

My sister was sleeping in the next room and I had lied to her that I was sick just to avoid her nagging and worry.
How about a little backstory?

Yuna is the only family have left and it's vice versa for her.

We lost our parents overseas where they were shot by terrorists.

I was ten and she was 18.

She coddled me and took care of my every need like a mother would, and I am thankful with every inch of my body. I wish I could repay her.

But I can't, even though I'm 19 and capable, no one wants to employ me.

Yuna told me it was fine and that I should look for a university to study in, but I could see the tiredness in her eyes and since I'm not a monster, I declined and said I would search for a job one last time.

But when Yuna realized how I failed, she forced me to attend the nearby government college that only took money according to your attendance.

It was safe to say I barely attended so Yuna didn't pay too much, but I still was desperate for a job.

And that's how I met Beomgyu, a boy two years younger than me but experienced in delivering shady drugs.

We became friends when he helped me pay for the groceries ( since I had forgotten my wallet). We talked and got a weird closure and I expressed my need for a job.
He offered me the job of delivering drugs (like him) but I said no.

But I was in a pinch so I knocked on his door and told him I wanted to take the job.

If only I knew it wouldn't be so easy.

I had encountered two policemen and ran for my life and then got followed by a suicidal drug addict, who tried to kill me and that fucker even brought two friends along and thus, it led to my broken state at the moment.

I wanted to stop the shady work, but I knew I couldn't since I really needed the money.

Beomgyu had told me that there were a ton of delivery boys so even if I stepped down it wouldn't be a big deal.

I decided to step down once I find a suitable job.

I bandaged my cuts and wounds and looked at myself in the mirror.

I wince at the purple bruises. I'd have to avoid Yuna for a few days.

As I lie on my bed my mind goes to the box hidden at the back of my closet. I shut my eyes harshly as I try to forget about it.

It was a onetime thing, I'll never do it again... never...

I sigh deeply and change the direction of my thought to things like my last girlfriend or maybe alcohol.

Ok... I'm fine now.


I wake up earlier than usual and hurriedly take a hot bath then re-bandaged my throbbing wounds.

I scribble a note for Yuna and leave it on the kitchen counter, then rush out the house.

I planned on going to college today and had a bag slung on my shoulder. I walked in a fast pace but slowed down when I crossed 'Mimi' and 'Ji and Co.'

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