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Yeonjun- first perspective:

How many times have I cried already?
How many times has Soobin comforted me?
I don't know... but it must be a lot.
As I get off Soobin's bed, I realize the pain in my back had reduced.
But I didn't recall using any medicine for it except for pain-killers which I doubt work this way.
I ignored my thought and walked to the bathroom.
I had stayed over Soobin's house for 2 days now. He didn't mind and nor did Hansoo. They understood that I didn't want to face my sister or go to university.
Soobin had told me that he had informed Yuna that I was staying over at his for a few days.
I asked if she knew about what happened to me and thankfully she does.
Soobin had told her and Beomgyu. I was glad he did because I doubt I could.
As I soaked myself in the bathtub brimming with cold water, I let my eyes close and drown into dreamland.
'St-stop! Let me go!'
'Why should i? Isn't this why you wear girly clothes? To get touched and groped like this?'
'People like you deserve this'
I open my eyes abruptly at the call of my name.
I look around to see Soobin crouched down near the tub, his face close to mine.
"Yeonjun, don't fall asleep in the bathtub"
I nod awkwardly.
What the fuck-I'm naked, get out!
"So, how are you feeling today?"
Oh god, can't you ask me this later and not while I'm naked!?
"Good, are your bruises still aching? Do you want me to call the doctor for a check-up?"
More questions!?
"I'm alright! Peachy! So can you like... get out and get me some clothes to wear?" I say.
Soobin furrows his eyebrows at my tone then he blushes.
"O-oh, sure!" he rushes out.
I sigh.
And then laugh.
I couldn't help but think Soobin's blushing face was adorable.


I think it's time; time for me to speak about what happened to me and thank Soobin and Hansoo for having me over and taking care of me.
So when the three of us sat down for dinner, I cleared my throat.
"Guys... I h-have something to s-say" I stutter out.
Both cousins look at me.
"You don't need force yourself" Soobin says with a reassuring smile.
That calmed me down.
"It's alright... you guys deserve to know... who did this to me" I take in a large breath and continue.
"There was this person... he used to admire me because I had a 'cool' persona... there were rumours of me being in a gang, fighting people... stuff like that and he for some reason looked up to me... he tried to befriend me multiple times... but when I started wearing feminine clothes, he got disappointed, disgusted and he tried to pick a fight with me... I won obviously" I took a breath and started again,
"Then, a few days ago, I went to college earlier than usual... I wish I hadn't... only a few students were there and I decided to go to the rooftop to pass the time... I wasn't the only one there"
I cringe at the memory.
"The guy- Yunseok- was there with his little posse... they all came at me and I couldn't save myself or run away in time... they took me to an abandoned room, Yunseok came in, the others stayed out... they had already beaten me up so much that I couldn't push Yunseok away when he-when he-"
I choke on my tears that I didn't know I had let out.
Soobin wraps his arms around me.
"Deep breaths, Jun... deep breaths"
"A-also, I wanted to th-thank you both for having me h-here and t-taking care of m-me... and s-sorry for troubling you... I w-will pay back all the money wasted on-"
Hansoo speaks then,
"You don't need to pay back at all! And the money was definitely NOT wasted on you, Yeonjun!"
"And there's no need to thank us" Soobin says.
"Y-yes there is" I pull away and I wipe my eyes.
Both cousins smile warmly at me.


I never planned on pulling Soobin in bed with me but here we were, our bodies close in the large bed.
Soobin had let me sleep in his bed and he himself slept in another room.
But tonight, I was feeling detached, I wanted any physical contact I could get.
Not a bad type of physical touch but a good one.
Like Soobin's arm around my waist and my head on his chest.
I thought he would be too shy to cuddle me but no, he was quite shameless.
"It was very brave of you to tell us that" Soobin speaks suddenly.
"Was it?" I ask.
"Yes it was"
"I will need to repeat the story to the police"
"When do you wanna go?"
"As soon as possible... oh, and I need to tell Yuna as well... and my little friend group... I feel so embarrassed though... and scared"
Soobin's arm moves and he starts caressing my hair.
"There's no reason to be scared or embarrassed... I'm here after all!"
I giggle slightly.
"You're so full of cheesy remarks"
"Only for you"
I pinch his side and he squeaks.
"The heck!?"


There is so little yeonbin...


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