Chapter 3

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As I stared at him he turned his head toward me then we caught each other's glances. Then he winked and waved at me. Then I can feel my face starts to heat up and my heart skips a beat. So I waved back at him then he smiled at me. I was completely distracted and I didn't notice my friends already came back.

"Hey?" she said to me

"Hey?!" She said looking annoyed

"HEY!?" She screamed near my ear still looking annoyed

"AH!" I screamed while I jumped surprised

"What the hell Christine!" I said to her while rubbing my ear while looking annoyed

"Here's your food, What happened?" William asked while handing the food to me

"Christine yelled close to my ear and I nearly went deaf," I complain to him

"Because I kept calling you a million times but you kept ignoring me. by the way, who are you looking at hmm?" Christine asked while she raised her eyebrow

"No on- I mean nothing," I said to them nervously and my face starts heating up

"Really? because it looked like your looking at Alex," Trish said

"So he's Alex," I said to myself while daydreaming

"So do you like Alex?" Christine said and it brought me back to reality

"Wh-what no," I said nervously

"Really? You don't like Alex Hmmm" Christine said with a smirk on her face

"Oh Shut up Christine," I said while I feel my cheeks and ear heating up and turning red

"Ohhh, He does!" William said teasing me

"Oh be quiet William," I said while I looked down trying to hide my face

"Guys stop talking the foods are getting cold," Trish said to change the topic and then I mouthed *Thank you* to her

"LET'S EAT!" Christine said excitedly

We all looked at her and started laughing. Because she looked ridiculous while eating and then we start eating as well.

"Oh yeah! Christine, how did you and Trish meet?" I asked her

"Oh yeah I didn't tell you yet, We meet right after we got -" She was about to say but I cut in because her food is spitting everywhere

"Before you finish that sentence please, Swallow your food first, it's all over the table. It's disgusting," I said to her annoyed

"Sorry," she said while she swallowed her food

"As I was saying. We meet right after we got separated, she approached me and asked where was the building of the College of Medicine. So since I still have plenty of time to go to my class I showed her where is the College of Medicine then I asked her if she wants to join us at lunch later then she said yes," she said then she took a bite of her food

"Yes, I didn't catch up with the opening ceremony earlier, I was late because my alarm didn't go off like it supposed to, luckily I saw Christine she showed me the way," She said feeling thankful

"How about you William how did you and Aiden meet?" Christine asked

"Well after we separated, I was about to go to my class when I saw him getting bullied," I said to them

"You're being bullied? Why?" Trish asked worriedly

"Yes, Because......I'," He said shyly and scared "The leader of the four of them used to be my boyfriend. Then I found out that he was using me because of money. After that, he threatens me that if I don't keep giving money he will beat me up and will tell my mother, " William said while looking so sad and was about to cry

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