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Bella's pov:

I opened my eyes to find myself in Jasper's arms. I don't - surprisingly- mind but it was unusual. I felt tingles as his fingers rubbed my sides. I closed my eyes in pleasure. Wait, this only happens to vampire mates. Could it be? Jasper and I? I surprised myself by hoping so. 

"Um... Jasper?" 


"Do you mind explaining?" I said, still confused. 

"Explain what?" 

"Why I'm in your arms." I saw hurt flash in his eyes and I was quick to explain. 

"I love being in them it just... you've never shown interest in me before. Plus it's unusual to wake up and feel tingles at someone's touch." He chuckled. 

"I never felt that when I was with Edward." I continued. 

"We'll like you said, u wasn't true. Alice called while you were transforming. She said we were mates. However given the situation that led me to Volterra in the first place, I went to Marcus and asked about our bond. He said what she had said was true. Bella, we're mates." He said, looking at me intently. I thought about it for awhile. I noticed something that I hadn't before. I always envied Alice because she had him. She got to him, and touch him and give him kisses and know... with him. I was, and still am, madly in love with him and I never acknowledged it. I looked into his eyes and gave the biggest smile I've ever produced. He smiled back. 

"Jasper, I'm sure you've noticed, but I haven't until now, I was always envious of Alice because she had you. It made me mad, even then." 

"Yes I've noticed, but I always thought you envied something or someone else," he smiled," and there's no need to be envious of her darlin'. You hold my heart now and no one else will. I love you Bella." 

"Love you to Jasper, with everything." I smiled, wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a peck on the lips. He didn't like that very much. He wrapped his arms tighter around my waist and smashed his lips to mine. This was nothing like Edward. His touch was gentle and he is showing so much passion and love that its undeniable. I moaned as he pulled and played with my hair. He pulled back, putting his forehead on mine.  

"Wow." Just that simple kiss sent electricity thorough my body. 

"I never thought I'd hear you say that." I whispered. He smiled and drew circles on my palm. We were in comfortable silence.  

"It feels good you know. To not be alone, to know my real mate." He said, breaking the quiet. 

"Come on, I think it's best to tell Aro I'm awake." He groaned and I laughed. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Nothing, I'm just really comfortable where I am." He said, pouting. 

"Haha poor baby." I giggled. That's new, I usually don't giggle. 

"Oh, so you find this funny?" He said playfully. 

"Very much so." 

"You shouldn't have said that." He then flipped me over and started to tickle my sides. I was laughing like a crazy person on a sugar high. 

"Take it back!" 


"Looks like I have to try a different way." He suddenly leaned down and started kissing my neck. It felt incredible but I'm not about to let him know that. 

"Still not taking it back." 

"Aren't you now?" I shook my head. He leaned closer and inhaled my sent. Then he kisses my collarbone to my neck. From my neck to my jawbone, from my jawbone to the corner of my mouth. His lips reached my ear and he whispered. 

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