Chapter 14 - Sabotage

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A/N Short chapter today, but this was always gonna be one. Next chapter will be close to the finale of the book, but I plan on having some bonus romance chapters. Anyways, sorry for the long wait. Enjoy!


Thanks to Six, I'm on the first plane to Virginia. He gave me papers that allowed me to get my weapons through security as well as the equipment necessary to take down the shop. The flight was pretty uneventful, so I get there with no problems. Six also got me a vehicle, a pretty nice looking Mustang, to get me there. The drive was pretty unbearable, due to me not having any music to play.

It took about 2 hours to arrive at the shop. The outside was very plain. I suppose I should've expected that so they could blend in. I exit the car, leaving most of the equipment inside so I could keep a low profile. I still took a compact block and collapsible Vector with me for my own safety. I walk through the door and I'm immediately met with glares from everyone inside. I scan the room. 3 behind the counter and 4 customers. Easy. I walk up to the counter and start using my cover.

"Hello, friend. I'm looking for some equipment. The kind to, oh, I don't know. Get myself where I'm not supposed to be?" I say in a low voice. The large man that's heavily tattooed continues to glare at me before looking at his coworkers. They give him a nod and his gaze returns to me.

"What is password, Cyka?" He asks.

"Белая маска" I respond, letting him know it's for the White Masks. His glare lightens to more of a simple stare as he walks to the back. For a while, it's just me and the other Russians. The handful of people in the room are told to leave by the other Russians before the big guy comes back with a duffel bag.

"For you, friend. Come back again, please." He says as he sets the duffel on the table. This proves it, these bastards are working for the Masks. I open the duffel and look inside, but all I see are weapons and explosives.

'Hm. These guys aren't just supplying electronics, they're doing arms deals and explosives. This operation needs to go down, now.' I think to myself as I zip the bag up and throw it over my shoulder. Just as I go to leave, I hear one of them talking on a radio with a whisper.

"He's who?.....No.....Yeah, he matches the description.....Yes, he will be dealt with." One of the other Russians say. Shit, looks like they aren't getting out of this as alive as I had hoped they'd be.

"Hey, comrade. Where do you think you're going?" The other Russian, a shorter, but more built one, says as he blocks the door.

"Why...home, of course." I say as I drop the duffel and reach into my sock, where my Glock is stuffed away. Just as I drop the duffel, the two behind the counter start reaching for their guns. I pull my Glock free and put two rounds in the small Russian's chest. But the other two begin to return fire, so I do a quick roll to my left, giving me cover behind the counter. I then reach into my coat and unfold the Vector's stock and load a magazine. After a while, I hear the sound of one of them pitting more cartridges into their shotgun. I use this opportunity to come out of cover and return fire, putting about 10 rounds downrange and seeming to hit one as a scream is heard.

"Dimitri! You'll pay, you son of a bitch!" The last one says before popping out of cover and unloading rounds at my last location. As he runs dry, he begins to approach where I was. But he's disappointed to see I'm not there anymore. But he'll be happy to know...I'm right behind him.

"Rule of thumb. Never let your emotions guide your judgment on the battlefield." I say as I press the barrel of the Glock against the back of his head. Soon after, I let one shot ring out. His body drops to the floor, dead. Just as silence falls in the room, the first one I shot begins to grunt in pain. I guess two rounds wasn't enough for him. What a pain.

"'ll never...stop us here...there are others...and you'll be first on the chopping blo-" He's interrupted by a single shot to the forehead as his body slumps.

"Sure, pal." I say as I collect the duffel and head downstairs. As I round a corner, all I see is a room full of explosives, guns, chemicals, and drugs. I can assume these are all for the White Masks, but this whole room is an explosion waiting to happen. I arm one of the bombs for 1 minute as throw it in the middle of the room with the rest of the duffel. I begin making my way out and contacting Six at the same time. After a few rings, he picks up.

"Ah, hello Ghost. How goes the operation in Virginia?" He asks.

"Weeeeeeeeell-" I begin, but I'm rudely interrupted by the building exploding.


"It's going well. So, what's next?" I finish.

"Good to hear. The next stop is Operation Homework. You're not far from where the others are setting up. Begin making your way there, ASAP. They're excited to start."

"Yes, sir. I'm on my way." I close the channel and get in the car. My thoughts to go Meru.

'If those bastards hurt mercy.' I think to myself as I turn the key, the car's engine roaring as it starts. I peel out, letting the rubber squeal against the pavement as I begin making my way to the school.

Meru POV

I've been free for a few minutes, but they don't need to know that yet. These bastards are letting the new recruits come in to interrogate me, so getting one of their guns shouldn't be a problem.

I hear the heavy metal door open and boots approach me. I look up and see a fresh-faced kid walk himself.

"Listen, lady. I don't usually like to do this stuff....but-" He begins fumbling with his belt. No, don't do this to yourself, kid. "-Captain Brian asked me to do this. He said it'd be worth the piece of myself I'm about to sacrifice." He continues to fumble with his belt, letting his rifle dangle on his right hip. Just when he's too distracted with his uniform to fight back instantly, I jump from my chair, using my nail-claw to slice the sling off and dig my nail into his eye. I cover his mouth to muffle the screams, digging my nail deeper into his eye-socket. After a few seconds, he either dies or passes out from the pain. Either way, I'm not taking any chances. I put a final slice to his left carotid artery and swipe his rifle.

"That's step one. Now I gotta worry about two through ten. Ugh, what a pain..." I quietly mutter to myself as I press the rifle against my shoulder and begin making my way through the building.

'Please, Y/N. Please be okay. Because I'm coming home. No matter what.'


A/N Finally done! Sorry I was absent for so long. I just didn't feel right writing another chapter so soon. I wasn't in a good spot mentally and I didn't wanna half-ass you guys. The next chapter is you freeing Meru and maybe the Team making a little revelation about the two of you. Will it change your relationship with Team Rainbow? Or will they accept it and move forward with their lives? Who knows?! Cause I sure don't yet!

Anyways, see you guys next time!

Meru- "This guy is gonna take forever, isn't he?"

Y/N- "Yeah, probably."

Meru- "Pfft. Idiot."

Y/N- " That's LoFi, alright."

Meru- "Wait, are we supposed to break the 4th wall like this?"

Y/N- "Probably not."

Meru- "Ugggggh....I'll get the Flex Paste."

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