Chapter 6 - Passion

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Meru POV

I get annoyed as the sun starts beaming through my eyelids. I stir slightly, covering the rays with my hand and shielding my face. I look over to the clock to see it was noon. Damn, I knew we stayed up late last night, but not late enough to practically sleep the day away. I suddenly hear stirring from somewhere. I look down at my chest to see Y/N. He's resting his head on my stomach and holding me in a warm embrace. I blush heavily, starting at his sleeping face for a moment. He looked so...peaceful. As if there was nothing in this world that could disturb him. My eyes eventually adjust to the blinding sun as I move my hand away from the rays and gently wrap my hands around Y/N head, embracing it and smiling at his cute face. As I hold his head close to my chest, I can feel the flutter of his eyelashes on my shirt, signaling he was starting to wake up.


I feel a warm grasp on both sides of my face as I gently open my eyes. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust and my vision to clear, and when it does, all I see is Meru's smiling face.

"Morning, Dork." She says with her sweet smile, a gentle blush clearly visible on her cheeks. I smile back at her.

"Morning, Nerd. How'd you sleep?" I ask her?

"Not as good as you~" she replies with a sly grin growing across her face. I look to my left and right....only to see my head between Meru's breasts. I quickly shoot up with a deep blush on my face as I profusely apologize.

"I'm so so so so SOOOO sorry, Meru! I just passed out and I didn't realize and I should've stopped and-" I get cut off by a finger to my lips.

"Quit freaking out, Y/N. If I didn't want you there, I would've kicked your ass off the sofa and onto the floor. And besides...I didn't mind." She tells me with her blush starting to deepen. She looks away from me as she says this, making her look so damn adorable in return. I gently smile as I grab the hand she has over my lips and take it in mine.

"As long as you didn't mind. To be honest...that was the comfiest I've been in a while. You were very soft, warm, and gentle...." I tell her. My blush deepening as well. We sit there in silence, both with goofy grins on our faces as we refused to look at each other. After a while, Meru speaks up.

"H-Hey Y/N?"


"Could you do me a favor?" She asks. Her voice breaking as she does.


"Actually, let's make it a contest. It's been a while since we've trained, so how about a sparring match?"

"What?! That's not faaaaair!" I complain.

"Quit being a baby. It's already noon, so we don't have much time. Here's the rules. I win, I'll ask you my favor. You win, you can ask me to do one thing and one thing only with no refusal. Sound fair?" She wagers. Hm...her and I are about even when it comes to hand-to-hand, thanks to Mom teaching her some things I haven't learned yet. But Dad taught me a few things she doesn't know either. Meru has a point...this could be fun.

"Oh, you're on!" I say with confidence.

"That's the Y/N I know and love. To the garage!"

Meru and I fast-walk our way to the garage. Since we only have two cars and they both fit in the driveway, Mom and Dad made our garage a personal gym. We had almost everything. Weights, pullup bars, weighted vests, a boxing ring. You name it, we probably have it. Meru straps on her crimson red MMA gloves while I put on my F/C (favorite color) gloves. We both step into the ring, getting into our stances.

"So, what're the rules here?" I ask Meru.

"The usual. No below-the-belt, no sucker punches, win by submission. I don't wanna ruin that pretty face if yours~" Meru finishes with a sarcastic tone.

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