CH 56 || Lay Her Past Bare

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The silence crept in the room was scary but scarier was the extra sweet behaviour of my sister. Ever since we had left Dhruv and Saavi alone for a bit Dhriti had been acting so nice to us that has made all of us wonder about what she was up to.

Tapping his chin Hredhaan asked, "What do you think, is cooking in her mind?"

"She is unpredictable," Jai replied.

"Indeed." I agreed with Jai.

We all who were in my sister's hit list had assembled in Arjun's room to discuss how to overpower the devil's trap.

By the devil, I meant my sweet sister. Please note the sarcasm here.

And Jai was the new member since he was too involved in irritating Dhruv a little. We are used to the punishments but the poor guy was new and we knew would not be spared.

We all were in for a serious discussion except Namit Khanna.

"Where is Nam....", Before I could enquire I heard a crushing sound.

"'s delicious," Arjun said munching the bone of the chicken.

Smacking his head Hredhaan said, "Malhotra, we are in here for something serious."

"Yeah, I know. Please continue," he replied smiling still busy with his food while I shook my head in disbelief.

I had undoubtedly tortured a wounded tigress but now I didn't want to back off. Soon an idea to escape from my evil sister crossed my mind.

"I have got an idea."

"What?" all three of them asked in unison.

"Kashyaps and Khannas are coming tomorrow evening. We have to hide till then and Dhri will get busy after they come. I guess she will forget about the punishment."

"Did I hear Khanna?" Namit said entering the room.

"Oh, here you are, where the hell have you been?" I asked being irritated with his carelessness.

"Was trying to find about our punishment, idiot," he replied.

"So what did you find?" Jai queried and everyone's eyes were on him only. I was hoping to receive an affirmative answer but was left dismayed with his reply.


"Expected," I mumbled.

"What?" Arjun queried.


"I didn't get to know what's running into her cute little head." Namit was distressed too as we all were sailing in the same boat.

"How can a head be cute?" Hredhaan asked and I was curious to know the answer as well.

"Once in love, you will find everything cute," Jai replied dreamily.

"Agreed," Namit winked at Jai. Those guys are more than whipped.

Shaking his head Arjun said, "Aurat Ka Chakkar. (Affairs Of Women)"

"Maut Se Takkar.(Means colliding with death)" I completed while we both high fived.

"Look, who is talking. The one who dated half of the girls in London." Namit passed a sarcastic comment on Arjun. That was the fact that Arjun Malhotra had a very good dating history but it never worked out for him. For m, women were the complex creatures on earth, and no one had ever been able to understand them.

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