CH 64 || Ruining The Moment

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I couldn't believe what just happened, even Riddhi and Adya were shocked. The elderly lady who had insulted me yesterday had come to my room to apologize. I felt bad for her, I knew her views would be different because she had lived all her life seeing such stuff so her opinions were based on her experience. To be honest, I didn't feel much worse when she had insulted me, instead, I didn't like it when she had to apologize.

"Dhruv is crazy," commented Adya feeling proud of his friend.

"He did right," said Riddhi.

I didn't say anything. Fortunately, Dhriti was not there when all that happened otherwise she would have got to know about it and I didn't want anyone to be sad.

"Here, have this you both." Simran came with two glasses of juice for me and Adya. We made faces but there was no way out so we had to drink it.

"Now I know your dislike towards this," I said to Adya pointing towards the glass of juice.

"Finally, I got someone to share my pain with," she replied making both of us laugh at her comment.

Soon I was left alone with Adya. We both were chatting but my eyes were stuck on the clock. With every passing moment, I was feeling nervous, anxious and something was happening inside my abdomen.

"Calm down, you are going to be fine. Besides, it's your Dhruv you are marrying." Adya had sensed my nervousness but calming myself was not that easy when only one person has the power to pacify me.

"I know, but I can't stop this feeling."

"It happens."

"Happened with you as well?"

"Yes, it happened with me too. It's normal. Just take deep breathes and try to think about your soon-to-be husband." She winked making me blush. I did what she asked and thinking about Dhruv helped me a bit.

After a few minutes Riddhi, Dhriti, and Aditi came inside the room.

"Just half an hour sister-in-law after then you will be with your Dhruv," Dhriti told me taking a seat on the bed.

"By the way are you ready?" I couldn't understand her question. I mean she could see I was ready but nonetheless I replied, "Yes."

"For your first night as well?" That's when I understood what exactly she meant by her previous question.

"What do you mean?"

"You are getting married and then it will be your first night with your husband, so you are all ready, right?" Dhriti elaborated her question making it easy for me to get her point.

"Even if you are not, brace yourself, and don't be scared, my brother will not hurt you." It was difficult to perceive whether she was trying to help me or trying to scare me. I hadn't even give it a thought. How could I be such a fool? If that time the scale of my nervousness lied on 6 out of 10 then it had increased to 10 after hearing her.

"Can't say anything, all men are the same. You know what I mean right." Adya placed a hand on my shoulder trying to make me understand something.

"I guess you are right. Do you have protection?" Aditi asked me making my eyes widened. I was already on the verge to faint.

"Why will she have that? Dhruv should have it," replied Riddhi casually.

"Oh yeah, I will ask him, if not I will tell him to take it from Rohit. He always carries a lot." Riddhi's answer made my jaws touched the ground.

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