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this is more of an introduction to characters;

and because it's the prologue, it's gonna be in lowercase letters bc this is that kind of story. 



harry didn't much like people. just as for some reason, people didn't much like him. they were always giving him strange looks or whispering haughty things about him in the corridors when he walked by them. but, harry was used to this. it's been the same since he was five years old, and decided to hide under a large oak tree during recess, picking at the grass beneath him as opposed to playing with the other kids. 

that was normal to harry.

but, it didn't stop him from coming home after school and isolating himself in his bedroom, biting his lip until it bled to try and stop the tears from coming. when he turned 15 was around the time he became [somewhat] numb to the insults and judgemental stares. around 17 was when he started using  a different method to deal with the hateful words and the hateful voices inside his head. 


scarlett was very much underestimated by everyone around her. they thought nothing of the tiny pint sized girl with raven black hair and tanned skin. she was simply.. scarlett, and that was that. 

however, what they didn't know was that scarlett had problems. just like the rest of the people in the world. except, she wasn't like the rest of the people in the world. she couldn't go up to people and start conversations like normal people do. she could barely raise her hand in class to answer a question. not only that, but if she went in the store to get something her mom had asked of her, and saw that it was heavily crowded she'd turn the other way, immediately making up some excuse along the way about why she couldn't do it.

she knew why though.

it was for the same reason that her hands shook and her body trembled when someone got close to her, or asked her a simple question.

a simple 7  letter word that could seem harmless to anyone at first glance. but, those who live with it, know that it's more than that. 


to an outside looker, scarlett would look like she had her life together. she would seem sweet, innocent, and maybe sometimes a bit prude. 

but she wasn't that at all. scarlett was a mess, really. she knew she had to get help somehow. someway. before her insecurities and anxiety destroyed her life, more than it already has.

scarlett and harry don't know that they're helping eachother overcome each one of their demons little by little every day.


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