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hi you guys! it's zion, again and i'm really liking this story and this is the first time in awhile i've felt such a burst of inspiration for a story in a long time and i'm hoping that my creative streak lasts bc im really loving writing this! ♥

i personally enjoy writing in third person but, i may change it up later on in the chapters. don't worry, whatever pov i decide to write in, it will be consistant, when i edit the story later.


Ding Ding! Harry glanced up as the sound of the Bakery's door chimed softly. He smiled wide at the approaching customer, "Hello! Welcome to Miss Ruth's Sunshine Bakery and Cafe, how may I help-" Harry's sentence stopped short, noticing who exactly was standing in front of him.

Zayn Malik.

Otherwise known as, "The Scary Boy Who Enjoyed Picking On Him at School." But, that was just his official title. Harry swallowed back his nerves, and straightened his posture, attempting to look brave in front of Zayn. It helped that there was a glass display case seperating the two. Zayn narrowed his eyes slightly and cocked his head, seemingly trying to place Harry. Harry noticed he didn't seem as intimidating now, as he usually did at school, surrounded with a big group of friends egging him on and telling him to say and do things. " 'Sup Mate.. i'll just have a uh.. Red Velvet Swirl Cake and a Caramel Latte.," Zayn muttered quietly. Harry noted he seemed distracted by something but, luckily, hadn't noticed who Harry was yet.

And so, The Curly Haired Boy only slightly nodded and ducked his head down, turning around to prepare his order, -and even though Zayn hadn't said anything in the slighest bit intimidating- Harry's once Confident and Brave stance shrunk away with each word Zayn said.

When Harry returned with Zayn's order he noticed Zayn texting someone rapidly, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration. "U-Um.. Zayn..?" Harry spoke, quietly and hesitantly. Zayn snapped his head up, and glared at Harry. "How do you know my name?" He accused. Harry mentally cursed, realizing his mistake.

Ding Ding!

"Saved by the bell," Harry thought. "Sorry, Sir. I have another customer to attend to." He said to Zayn, walking over to the new customer.

She appeared to be carrying a laptop and a few books. Laptops, Harry had seen in this Cafe before. But books?

Besides old people, he'd never seen anyone with a book in here before. Especially not someone so.. Pretty. "Excuse me..? Sir..? Um..?" Harry blinked, finally coming back to terms with reality. He hadn't realized he'd zoned out. Harry blushed profusely and cleared his throat, "S-Sorry. Um, How may i help you?" The girl giggled and said shyly, "I'll just have the Caramel Mocha Latte." Harry smiled, liking her voice. It was soft and quiet, and he liked the way it sounded to his ears. She was pint sized, Harry wanted to say. Of course, compared to his 6'1 height, virtually everyone was shorter than him by at least a foot. She had long, dark hair and big eyes. She had this innocent aura about her, that Harry liked. He wanted to get to know her.

But, he couldn't. She'd probably think he was a nerd. Most people did, anyways.

"Coming right up," Harry said, turning to prepare her order. From the coffee machine he glanced at Zayn, noticing he was still typing away on his phone, his cake nearly untouched and his coffee probably running cold. Harry shook his head in slight irritation. Ruth had spent 3 days straight trying to learn the recipe for that cake. He averted his gaze to the small girl in the corner of the Bakery, squinting slyly as he observed her.
Harry had assumed she was going to open up her laptop and start doing.. whatever it is that young girls do on their laptops. Harry wouldn't know and he didn't want to stereotype. Except, she didn't open up her laptop.
She opened up the book she'd been holding. The girl sighed happily, carefully placing the Daisy Bookmark down on the circular table and began reading her book.

Harry leaned forward a bit, carefully, so he wouldn't burn himself (Because Harry's been known to burn himself with the scalding hot coffee amongst other things when he zoned out into space, not completely aware of his surroundings.) glancing at the book she was holding. It was Entitled, "Looking For Alaska."

Harry bit his lip, trying to remember where he'd heard the familiar name before. He shook his head and cursed silently, remembering that no matter how beautiful the girl was, she'd still ordered something. Something that was probably going to go cold any minute now, thanks to Harry's wander-some thoughts.
"Caramel Mocha Latte!" He announced, as loudly as he could. Which wasn't very loud at all because, Harry was unfortunately, naturally soft-spoken.

The girl's head snapped up, and she smiled softly, getting out of her seat. The girl placed the book down on the table, bookmark in tow, and walked up to the counter in which Harry was standing. He noticed she glanced around quite a lot, looking nervous and unsure of her actions, making Harry furrow his eyebrows.

"Thank you," The girl nodded appreciatively, taking the coffee cup out of Harry's hands, and returning to her seat.

Harry's attention was diverted away from the girl by a loud screeching of a chair.


Harry cowered back, noticing Zayn's footsteps were urgent and fast. Not only that but they were headed in Harry's direction.

"Ey! You're that Styles kid, aren't you?" Zayn said, boldly. Harry looked at the ground, quite scared at the situation at hand.

Would he bully Harry here at his workplace? In front of the mysterious girl who Harry had accidentally become so interested in? Maybe Harry could just run away into the backroom. Zayn couldn't get back here anyways. The counter separated the two. Then again, Zayn was quite tall and lanky and could easily hop over. Harry's hands became shaky at the though.
"U-Uh.. Y-Yes. Why?" He responded to Zayn, uneasily. Zayn snapped his fingers, smiling to himself. "Ah yeah! That's where i know you from? Uni? Well, i heard you're pretty good at uh like math and stuff, yeah? 'Was hoping maybe you could like tutor me or somethin'? I mean, i don't have much money but i'd pay you if you wanted. I just really need to bring my grade up mate, i'm begging you here, and i never beg. for anything."

Harry couldn't do anything but blink in surprise. Zayn Malik, of all people, coming to Harry. For help!

Now, of course, Harry realized how much power he possessed in this moment. Months of Zayn's verbal abuse, and taunting.. Well, Harry had every right to reject him if he wanted to. Harry could also say yes and be a manipulative bastard, teaching him all the wrong material.

But, Harry wouldn't.

Harry couldn't.

That wasn't Harry.

So, with a hesitant smile, Harry nodded. "Sure. I'd be happy to help."

Zayn's face twisted into a bright appreciative smile. "Sick!" He leaned over the counter, clapping Harry on the shoulder (To which Harry jumped in surprise at.) Before running out of the Cafe at an alarmingly fast pace.

Harry sighed a little, leaning against the counter and rubbing his hand over his face.

What the hell had he gotten himself into?

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