16: Together We Fall

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"Hello?" Elle called out into the darkness that surrounded her. 

She covered her eyes with her arms as a vicious wind blew through the scenery. When the wind vanished, she found herself standing a jungle. There was a blinding light ahead of her and she reached her arms out feeling its warmth. 

"Live," a firm voice said to her and she felt her body stop. 

Her hand went to her chest and Elle looked around lost. 

"Hello?" She cried out, "Who's there?"

"You need to live," the same voice told her. 

All she saw was the green eyed boy standing before her. Her breathing quickened and she swallowed. There was something about him that stood out to Elle. She knew him, but from where?

"Live for me, Elle," He said to her and faded again. 

His words resonated with Elle. Live... She needed to live. 

Elle opened her eyes blinded by the lights. The beeping monitor went off as she saw the low number rise drastically. Her hand went to her mouth to find an oxygen mask. She pried it off and tried to sit up.

"I wouldn't recommend it," a man told her and she looked to see Dr. Whale standing over her. 

"Doctor, what happened?" The girl asked. 

Dr. Whale scratched the back of his head, "What do you remember?"

Elle winced, "I remember there was an accident. The Dark One was going to attack us and then I was his by the dashboard of a car."

The doctor nodded his head, "Sounds about right. Good to see you haven't lost any more memories."

Elle scowled at the doctor and looked around noticing an empty bed. 

"Where's my father?" Elle asked the doctor remembering he shielded her from the collision, "Where is he?"

The doctor avoided her gaze and she grabbed a fistful of his coat and and glared, "Where. Is. My. Father?"

Dr. Whale shrugged his shoulders when a voice spoke to her, "He is safe."

Elle looked cautiously to the man who entered the room. He was tall, blonde and had blue eyes. The man looked at Dr. Whale. 

"I can take care of her, Doctor," the man said, "Her father sent me to get him."

Dr. Whale gave a nod and was about to leave when Elle called out to him, "How long have I been out?"

Dr. Whale swallowed afraid to tell Elle. 

"Over a month," the doctor said, "You slipped into a coma. We did not think you were going to wake up."

Elle gasped and sat up trying to move her muscles. She looked at what she was wearing and frowned. It was hospital robe. A drink was handed to her and she looked at the man taking it. 

"Who are you and how do you know my father?" Elle asked him. 

"My name is Greg Mendell," the man said, "I'm the man who ran you over with my car."

All Elle could see was red as she pounced at Greg. He went flying into an IV bag and onto the floor. He rubbed the back of his head and said, "You're lucky you are wanted alive."

Elle's eyes started to droop and she glanced at the cup. Her thirst made her forget one crucial detail. What did she drink. 

"Damn... You..." Elle muttered before succumbing to whatever she drank. 

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