26: Good Form

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Elle woke up in Peter's arms and reached her hand as her heart disappeared. 

"No!" the Lost Girl cried, "Where did you take it?"

"Somewhere only I know," Peter smirked, "Oh, I just love this game."

Elle rolled her eyes, "Brute."

"Heard that," Peter said, warningly and vanished. 

Elle sulked and saw Henry and one of the Lost Boys, Devin, fighting. She stood and headed towards them.

"If you can't take this..." Devin taunted, "How you gonna handle what Pan has in store for you?"

Elle lifted an eyebrow at this and was about to step in when Henry grabbed a stick of his own. Devin and Henry sparred and Elle watched nervously. 

"Not bad," Peter's voice observed.

All the boys went silent as their leader was leaning against a tree. He walked over to them, "But wouldn't it be more fun if you had real swords?"

"I've... Never used a real sword," Henry confessed. 

"Peter..." Elle interjected.

"Silence," Peter snapped at her.

"This is Neverland," Peter reminded Henry, "And you have the heart of the truest believer. You can use whatever you want. You just need to believe, Henry."

He got down to Henry's level and held the stick out in front of Devin. 

"You just need to close your eyes and believe you're holding a real sword."

Henry took a deep breath and Elle watched the stick transform into a sword. The Lost Boys let out sounds of awe and Henry opened his eyes. Devin was now nervous as he only wielded a wooden sword. 

"What are you waiting for?" Peter asked Henry, "Go on."

The boys hollered and chanted for the fight to continue. Peter was in the thick of it urging Henry to attack. Elle could not shake the worried look on her face. 

"Go on! Go for it! Keep going! Come on!"

Henry swung and Devin's weapon was sliced to the hilt and then Devin clutched his face. 

"I-I'm sorry," Henry apologized, "It was an accident."

"Henry," Peter stated, "Don't you know the best thing about being a Lost Boy? You never apologize."

He patted Henry's back as the boys cheered. He lifted Henry's arm in the air in victory. Henry was shaken at first, but then he smiled embracing his victory. This horrified Elle as she feared for Henry. He was turning into a Lost Boy himself.

"Elle," Peter's voice called out to her. 

She acknowledged Peter, but did not speak. 

"I have a little test to prove your loyalty," Peter told her, "I have some plans and you're coming with me."

"Sounds like a chore," Elle frowned.

Peter chuckled, "Not necessarily, though you may see some familiar faces. Come on."

He grabbed a hold of her hand and headed into the jungle.

"What game are you playing?" She asked Peter as they trudged through the jungle. 

"Simple," Peter responded, "We're going to see your father."

Elle looked at his suspiciously, "Why is that?"

"It would seem that after a fight between the heroes and the Lost Boys, Prince Charming got himself nicked by a poisoned arrow. They're seeking the cure from the spring."

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