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The loud scream almost rips your eardrums and you wake up from your deep slumber, gasping like a fish out water because of shock.

Before you can even take note of what the hell is happening, two strong hands hold the corners of the fluffy blanket in which you're snuggled into and then pull with great might.

Immediately you roll out of the blanket with a loud screech along with your eyes opening widely like footballs and fall on the cold floor with a really loud thud.

Your face scrunches up in pain and you whine, wondering if your back broke or not. The next thing you can hear is loud cackles and it doesn't take you a moment to realize that it's your best friend Jungkook.

And you wonder if he's actually an enemy in disguise.

"HAHAHAHAHAA THE SLEEPY MIDGET FELL OFF HER BED!" He screams like a maniac and you hear a faint voice calling you two from downstairs but decide to ignore the calls for the time being.

While Jungkook continues cackling non stop and blabs shits like a 'fucked up mofo' in your eyes, you get up slowly like a predator ready to attack its prey and lunge at him with vigorous force.



"Ow! Ow! Ow! Hyung be a bit more gentle! With love." Jungkook whines as Seokjin whacks an ice pack on his face and snarls.

"Do it yourself you whiny lil turd. I have got better things to do." You hold back a laughter hearing Seokjin's words and Jungkook grumbles, holding the ice pack on his left eyes which is now almost blue because of the punch you landed on him earlier.

"Girl you didn't have to punch my pretty face gosh." You make a face at your grumpy bestie and munch on your toast.

"Serves ya right for throwing me on the cold floor on a Sunday morning." You poke his bicep to annoy him and he pokes you back. Soon your poking war starts.

"Aish stop you two. Why you gotta always behave like kids huh?" You both laugh at Seokjin and he sits down on a chair.

"Why are you here though? Making breakfast and all?" You ask and look at him for an answer, Jungkook doing the same with you.

"It's your lovely bro. He begged me to help cause apparently he needs sleep." Seokjin grumbles after replying and you along with your best friend laugh.

"But I saw hyung playing video games in his room a little while ago though. When I went to wake this midget up." Jungkook talks with his mouth full and you throw a jab at his ribs, making him choke on his saliva and food and Seokjin stands up with a dramatic look settled on his face.

You and Jungkook pause your mini fight to look at him.

"So all this time..." He trails off. "..he was awake and playing games?! Whuaaat?"

You and Jungkook enjoy the drama with amused looks on your faces as Seokjin stomps towards your brother's room with a frying pan in his hands while muttering something about 'breaking that turtle's head'.

A minute later, you both hear a loud bang indicating that Seokjin did what he said and burst out into hyena like cackles.

Moments later, Seokjin enters the kitchen with a proud look on his handsome face. The legendary frying pan rests on his right hand while his left hand drags a half-dead Yoongi along with him.

And this scene makes you start cackling once again with your bestie following suit.

Like this, your Sunday morning starts with people around you getting whacked and punched and becoming dead.

Hehe a really short chap ik. I was suffering from a mini writer's block so I started imagining shits bout fighting Jungkook along with Yoongs gettin' whacked by Jin and voilà! I wrote em down.


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