The Begining

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Svetvana's POV:
"How....cloudy and grassy." I pouted in Russian. So this England, it's so different from Russia, which is always cold and there's usually snow on the ground but now all I can see is grass, which is a bit saddening.

Though even if I can't see snow very much anymore I'm still excited to be here, because I always wanted to see the world. The reason I'm even in England is because I was excepted in this world wide high school called 'Together High' cheesy I know right. It's this school that excepts students from all around the world for great things. I got excepted for music, I can play any instrument I want pretty much, but I'm best at piano. The piano was my way of expressing my inner thoughts.

Now that I look at the time it's about noon and I know I'm meant to meet my roommates. 'Damn' So I guess I'll catch a taxi and be on my way.

Valentina-Rosa's POV:
"Damn it's freezing here" I whispered in Italian. I'm not use to this much cold because in Italy even in the winter time it's not that cold. I guess my days of wearing shorts are soon to be over... I officially hate England because I love shorts and I mean love.

I'm really only here because of my dancing. Yeah, I was excepted to Together High 'how cheesy' because of my dancing. The only thing is no one knows I can dance, not even people back in Italy. Though that's the way I like it. I would always dance by myself in this abandoned wear house like some old 80's dancer. That place was my escape from all the stupid people in life.

I was rushed out my thinking by another blow of cold air and shivered for the millionth time that day and look at my watch and saw it was 11:24 and thought 'I should probably get to my new apartment.' That's one of the perks of going to England, I get my own apartment. I then call a taxi to take me to my new home.

Artis-Fay's POV:
"Ok now what do I do?" I say in my Irish accent. I had just gotten off my plane and I was like fucking 2 hours early. Well this is just great, what do I now, just stand around like a idiot in airport. I mean just fucking great. At least the flight wasn't long with how close Ireland is to England.

The thing is Im just still confused about everything. About right after school ended for the 8th grade, I had received a letter saying I was excepted to Together High, and I just have to point out how cheesy that name is, I mean really 'Together High'. But back to my point I was excepted for my writing and art skills, and I didn't really think anybody really noticed them.

I didn't really care if they did or not, my writing and art was a way controlling all my emotions about things that I'd rather not go into detail because when I thought about those things, my drawings always get darker and more sad.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Big Ben telling me it was 10:30. I then called a taxi over and as I went to open the door I felt another hand on top of mine.

Luella's POV:
"HAHAHAHAHAHahaha" How ironic that I'm here early. I should probably stop laughing before people think I'm insane or something. I just can't help it, I mean I was just saying yesterday back in Germany that I would be late to be in England, but here I am 2 hours early. It's just so funny.

The reason I'm even in England and not in Germany is because I was excepted into Together High 'Cheesy'. I was excepted for acting, it was one of my favorite things to do besides read. Acting always helped me feel better when I was sad, mad, frustrated , or just plain happy. Some might say acting is just pretending to be some else and running away but I don't care. I don't really care because it is pretending haha.

I got out of my thinking by the big clock ringing and called a taxi. But as soon as I put my hand on the car door I felt another one. I then look to my left and saw a quiet brunette with pale green eyes who looked shocked as I was. Then I smiled and said in English with my German accent "Do you want to share the taxi?". She then looked even more shocked like it was shocking for a person to be nice. After a minute she then did a small smile back and said "Sure" with a Irish accent. We both then got in and looked at each other to say the location, I let her go first and then after she said where she was going I was more shocked because it was my location.

I then busted out laughing and she looked at me like was a alien or something and said "Whats so damn funny" and then I said "Where your going is where I'm going" she stayed quiet for a minute and then started laughing with me and said "Well hello roommate I'm Artis-Fay Clery and you are?" I answered her question with "Luella Hoffman, nice to meet ya" we then both smiled and shock hands. The taxi driver then said after hearing our whole conversation "To the same place then" with a amused chuckle. We both laughed and said yes and just as the taxi started a thought 'I just made a new friend, now only 2 more.' as I thought about my other roommates. Then I started to talk to Fay about all kinds of things, mostly mind-craft.

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