Domus Rosarum

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Authors Note- Domus Rosarum- Latin for House of Rose

Svetvana's POV:
"Davvero, io intendo realmente questo ha ottenuto una delle cose più stupide che abbia mai fatto, cugino." Is what I hear as I stay in the room with the other girls. With this time, while the Italian is still on the phone I get a good look at my new 'roommates'. I cringe at the thought, but hey maybe they'll be alright, maybe, you know what I really don't know.

I first look at the one who was laughing a minute ago. She's got black hair that kinda almost looks like it has blue in it. Her eyes are like a electric blue color, that seem to always be happy, she's also, I notice not the tallest crayon in the box looking only about 5'0. I think I'll call her Sparky because if her eyes.

My eyes move to the the Irish cussing one. She seems cool and has a dark auburn brown colored hair that's long and wavy. Through her glasses I see that her eyes are pale green that looks like they've seen a lot for someone her age. Just like Sparky she's not that tall either, but taller then Sparky, standing at maybe 5'2 or 5'3, I think the latter. I call her Specs for the glasses.

Lastly I look at the Italian, she's got light brown hair that looks to have blonde in, but you can tell it's actually natural. Her eyes are basically the exact opposite of mine, their such light brown it almost looks like off white in a way, while mine such dark brown, that people say their black most the time. I can't tell anything about her from her eyes, it's like a mystery that I will discover. She pretty tall too, taller then Sparky, Specs, and even me, which I have to admit kind of pisses me off even though she's only taller my one inch. I hate that inch. I can't think of a nickname right now but, don't worry I will.

I'm stuck out my thought my the Italian say "Beh, sì credo dovreste leggere più attendente, guarda devo andare bye, sì ti amo a cugino" I think she's saying bye, well because I heard a bye mixed in the Italian words.

Finally she looks at me says "Sorry there, had to cuss out my cousin for second"

I raise my eyebrow in question and smirk "It's alright, I also happen to be a fan of cussing out my family."

She looks at me weird and I shrug. She looks at the others, who by the way are still looking at me commander. I guess they might be a little scared of me, like everyone else, well maybe except the Italian.

Though the next thing I now I have a short ravenette hugging me and saying hello over and over again into ear. I think I might have been wrong about her being scared of me.

When she does get of me and sees me looking at her weird she just laughs and goes back to Specs. The Italian is saying "Maybe we should all induces are selfs officially"

"I'll go first, my names Luella Hoffman it's nice to meet you all" there's Sparky
"I'm Valentina-Rosa de Luca" comes the simple reply of the Italian or Valentina-Rosa
"I'm Artis-Fay Clery, hello" Specs seems pretty nice, I like that

Seems likes it's my turn "Well hello there, I'm Svetvana Zalesky, the pleasures all yours" I smirk.

Valentina-Rosa and Specs just roles their eyes at me while Sparky laughs. See someone gets my childish humor.

"Since were all here why don't we pick rooms" says Specs as she looks around the place. " From when I looked outside it's a 4 story apartment" I snort at the apartment part because this is more like fucking mansion. "Anyway like I was saying, the top floor is probably the attic and the button floor, this one is the kitchen and living area, so the two other floors are where are bedrooms are"

We all look at each other to see what rooms we want. Artis-Fay starts saying something again "The floor on top of this one has a library, so I was hoping I could have one of those rooms.

"I don't really care because, I'm going to take the floor below the attic" I say. They look at me and just shake their heads with Luella laughing again. I grin and hear Sparky say sarcastically "Well aren't you the nicest person" I nod my head.

She then says "I'll take the floor with Artis because I want to be near the library to" I look at Valentina-Rosa and put my arm behind her neck and grin, saying "Well hello there floor mate" she just roles her eye and goes up the stairs to our floor.

My eye twitches and think I really don't like how she just blows me off, like I don't scare her like everyone else.

"Well were going to check out are rooms, see you in a little bit" says Luella while dragging Specs. I laugh at bit at her expression and go up the stairs to, too go to my room to.

As I get to my floor I see one of the doors open and on the door it says in fancy writing Valentina-Rosa on a name plate. I guess that the Italians room. I look for the door with my name and when I found it, I open the door and see one of the coolest rooms ever. It looks like the people who designed it knew what kinda of taste I have.

I sit on the couch in front of the bed and a thought comes to mind how would they know I would pick this room and the others would pick their rooms, because the name plates say that they would know we would pick these rooms......that's fucking creepy.

I close my eyes for a second and as I start dose off I hear someone scream "I HAVE FUDGING AWESOME POOL IN MY ROOM HAHAHAHA" my eyes pop open I look at the door scared and think What have I got my self into

_________________________________ Translation-
Davvero io intende realmente questo ha ottenuto una delle cose più stupide che abbia mai fatto cugino- Really I mean really this has got to be one of the stupidest things you've ever done

Beh, sì credo dovreste leggere più attendente, guardo devo andare bye, sì ti amo a cugino- Well yeah, I guess you should have read it more carefully, look I have to go bye, yes love you to cousin

Side Note- I used google translate for this so it might not be that good

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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