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Tuesday, 7 July

"I'd say you're doing quite alright for someone who has just gotten into knitting," Bessie said, looking at Naomi's creation over the rim of her glasses

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"I'd say you're doing quite alright for someone who has just gotten into knitting," Bessie said, looking at Naomi's creation over the rim of her glasses. "What technique did your mother teach you again, sweets? 'Cause you're a natural."

"Oh, I dunno," Naomi answered honestly, taking her blue square back. "Are there different types of knitting styles?"

Bessie's laugh was warm and joyous, looking out at Camila, Florence, and Barb, who smiled at Naomi. Though Naomi had been scared of being judged by these women for not knowing how to properly knit at first, there was nothing but kindness and appreciation in their eyes. It seemed they really were just happy to see the beginning of Naomi's knitting journey. They had all been beyond helpful, taking their time and being patient with her as she learned the ins and outs of knitting. She was still not sure what she was making, but she was knitting a bunch of squares to start off, and she would see where to go from there.

"So," Florence said, turning her attention back on the knitting in front of her. "What do you think of St Ives thus far, Naomi? Is it living up to your expectations?"

"You've been here a month now," Bessie said, shaking her head as if she couldn't quite believe it. And Naomi couldn't believe it herself. Time had flown by so incredibly fast it did not seem quite real. It seemed like only yesterday she had checked in here and met Bessie, or when she ran into Harry and started their little thing. It just did not seem real that time had gone by this fast. In a month's time, summer would almost be over and she would have to start thinking about checking out and finding out what to do next. Going back home to Winchester was out of the question, but she didn't really have anywhere else to go.

Naomi took a deep breath, telling herself not to think about that now. Debating what to do after she checked out of The Roaming Crab Inn could be done at another time, not while she was knitting with four lovely ladies. For someone who had lived her whole life with a plan laid out for her near and far future, Naomi was awfully relaxed about the prospect of the chapter of her life that would start once she left St Ives in August.

"I love it here," she answered truthfully, finding some red yarn so she could start knitting a red square. "I've met so many people while staying here, it's been amazing."

"It's been fun to meet Harry's family as well," Barb said. "If your name comes up in conversation when we're at the chess club, Jessa won't shut up. She's so proud Harry's dating such a lovely lady."

Naomi felt her cheeks heat up, both because she took pride in that compliment but also because she knew Jessa wouldn't think of her like that when she and Harry "broke up" later.

"Speaking of people you've met, my son tells me you went to the pub with him, Harry, and their little group." Florence looked at Naomi, smiling. "Did he invite you to his birthday this Saturday?"

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