DAY 10

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Since the incident at the party a few days ago, you'd been facing a dilemma. You were in New York purely to have fun – it was how you always spent every summer, getting drunk and dancing with your friends at clubs. But, after what had happened to you, suddenly you didn't feel as if you could do that again.

Somehow, Sebastian noticed your shift in mood. You were hesitant to leave the apartment alone after dusk and, no matter how persuasive Allie tried to be, you flat out refused to go to anymore crowded parties where you could be taken advantage of again.

You were watching the sunset from the huge living room windows when Sebastian burst in, brandishing a few bottles of various different alcohols and mixers. He paused when you turned and raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for your inevitably sarcastic comment at the items in his hands.

"Rough day?" you quipped, prompting him to chuckle as he set the bottles down on the coffee table in the centre of the room.

"Could've been better," he replied, only half joking. His public relations team had bombarded him with emails, meaning that he was suddenly up to his neck in work when he'd much rather be spending all of his time with you. "But this isn't just for me – you'll join me, right? I got your favourite drinks, look. If you don't wanna go to the party, then I'll bring the party to you."

You cocked your head to the side, slightly confused, before Sebastian began to explain. "Well, I know this is what you usually do. And I don't want your whole vacation to be ruined because of– because of what happened."

You practically melted at the extremely thoughtful gesture. For a second, it crossed your mind that your friends probably wouldn't even consider putting their plans on hold just for you, but you pushed the thought away, knowing that it was unfair to judge them when they'd been by your side throughout your entire life. Besides, you weren't even sure if Sophia and Luca knew what had happened to you the other day.

"Y'know, you don't have to do all this stuff for me," you remarked shyly, smiling earnestly at Sebastian. "I mean, I've already disrupted you enough by having to stay here—"

"Hey," he interrupted, quickly sitting down next to you and taking your hand, "you know I wouldn't have it any other way. And I want to do things for you, you deserve it, alright?"

After a second of deliberation, you nodded and reluctantly pulled your hand away from his to reach for the pear flavoured cider. Glad that you seemed to be on board with his idea, Sebastian grabbed a drink for himself too, clinking his glass bottle against yours.

"Cheers... to us?" he offered quietly.

"To us," you echoed, the corners of your lips turning up in a soft smile that you couldn't will away.

Barely two hours later, the two of you were singing loudly to your favourite songs, dancing wildly around the room and giggling as you tried not to trip over each other. You weren't completely shit-faced, just extremely tipsy – that's what you were telling yourself, anyway.

After your energy was almost spent, you collapsed on the couch, Sebastian following shortly after, his legs draped over yours.

"Y'know," he began, panting slightly, "when we first met, I thought you were gonna be all shy around me."

"Why?" you laughed, shaking your head. "Didn't Allie tell you how loud and annoying I am?"

"Yeah, she did. In those exact words, actually. But in the car, on the way back from the airport, you seemed... quiet. Kind of like you were hiding something, I don't know."

summer in the city 「 s.stan 」Where stories live. Discover now