DAY 21

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Sebastian sat on an uncomfortable plastic chair in the hospital waiting room, his head resting in his hands, his eyes still red and burning with tears. He didn't know how long he'd been waiting for news of your condition – to him, every minute felt like an hour.

He just needed to know that you were alive.

His leg bounced almost uncontrollably, a telltale sign of anxiety, as Allie walked over and sat down next to him, offering him a steaming cup of coffee. He declined and she shrugged, turning to Sophia and Luca instead, knowing that Sebastian most likely wanted to be left alone.

He was distraught. He'd broken his promise after not even one day, and look what'd happened because of it. Of course, it wasn't his fault, but how was he to know that? As far as he was concerned, he'd given you his car and now you were in hospital. Enabler.

Eventually, a doctor approached the group, his eyebrows furrowed in an expression of deep chagrin. "Are you here for Y/N L/N?"

Sebastian immediately sprung to his feet, momentarily considering just sprinting around the man to get to your room. But Allie placed a hand on his shoulder and he took a deep breath, taking his time to calm himself down again.

And then the doctor was gone, and he hadn't heard a single word of what had been said.

Defeated, he glanced to his friends for help, only to notice that they were all already looking straight at him.

"We can see her, one at a time," Sophia choked out, before clamping a hand over her mouth to muffle the sobs that were escaping her.

They didn't look like happy tears.

Sebastian couldn't even bring himself to ask what your exact cause of death had been. Undoubtedly, he'd find out later, and then he'd break down once more. But for now, he just wanted to see you. One last time.

As everyone comforted each other, he slowly stepped away, making his way into your room. He didn't even take a second to prepare himself for what he might see – he felt almost numb, as if nothing could possibly hurt him anymore.

Cruelly, your eyes were open. Sebastian even thought he saw you blink a couple of times; God, his mind was already playing tricks on him. He was literally going delirious without you.


And now he was hearing things too. Great.

"Is there a vending machine out there? Because the food here is disgusting, like, even worse than my cooking. Seb? Are you okay?"

Or maybe he wasn't.

Sebastian risked another glance at you, now seeing that your body wasn't so lifeless after all, that you really were blinking, speaking, sending him a confused look as he leaned against the wall in shock. Your hair was matted, and several stitches laced your skull.

But you were alive.

"Oh my God, you're– you're okay?" he gasped, stumbling over to kneel by your bedside, frantically grasping your hand, his fingers gripping your wrist and feeling your pulse.

"Just a few cuts and bruises. And a concussion. Apart from that, I'm all good," you confirmed, before wincing slightly. "Your car isn't, though. I'm sorry, Seb, I know how much you loved it—"

"But I love you more."

His eyes widened as he realised what he'd said. He considered backtracking, telling you it was just a slip of the tongue – but was it?

In the end, he stayed silent, just waiting for you to reply. You eventually opened your mouth, but before you could speak, somebody else did. One out of your three friends who were standing at the door, grinning tearfully at the sight of you laying before them.

It would have to wait another day.

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