"He gently takes my face and kisses me slowly "Please don't ever think your not enough...your everything to me" He pulls me in for another kiss but I couldn't help but cry as I held onto him stopping him in his tracks...He just held me until I fell...
Kaminari and I figured out that we lived close to each other I didn't know that. But that is probably because I went to a completely different school than him but it was nice to have someone to walk with other than my brother...I need to focus on myself for a while. As selfish that is I want to have friends..and it's nice for once I feel like I can be with people. I smile at the thought of fitting in Kaminari notices my smiles and speaks "You excited for today (y/n)?" I look up at him "Kinda I guess I'm just looking forward to classes." Kaminari looks at me shocked "R-really?After yesterday!?" I smile "Yeah, we get to learn way more today, and maybe I can be closer with other people, like you Kaminari as sad as it is but your my first friend..." He looked out to the school and then me "This is our new start then (y/n) let's start it with a jolt of electricity!" He smiles brightly and walks to class with me we started with normal classes which were so boring...And I know that present mic was trying to make English fun but I was more excited for training with All Might.
Before I knew it we were sitting in class as All Might showed briefcases from the wall "In these cases are your hero costumes now lets suit up!" I thought to myself I can't believe we're being taught by the number one hero!. He grins in his usual go happy attitude, we all grab our stuff and the girls and I went to the locker room to change. I put on my suit and smiled looking at myself. It was exactly what I wanted!
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All the girls in the locker room were chatting away I put my hood up and smiled at myself until a girl with short brown hair turned to me "Hey (y/n) your costume is super cute! oh, you probably don't remember me I'm Uraraka!" I was kinda shocked she knew me.."T-thank you Uraraka I made it this way to match my quirk I really like yours!" She giggled and smiled more "Thanks! this bodysuit is kinda...skin tight though" I nod as I heard all the girls leaving.
When all of us were dressed we all walked out to see All Might waiting for us I looked at everyone else's outfits at they were super cool...All Might spoke "Very cool costume kids! Now let's get into teams write your name on a piece of paper and you will raffle your partner!" I looked confused and then heard Iida ask why Mydoriya answered"well we don't know everyone's quirk and many heroes need to rely on others when fighting" Iida nods and apologizes. All Might made us put our name in a raffle box and teams were pulled. I went up and grab one and looked down and read "Sero" I looked around and see him looking around. I walk up to him and wave "Sero right?, I'm (y/n) looks like we're teaming up for today" Sero smiled "I'm looking forward to it (y/n)" All Might Grinned "Alright kids! let's see who will go first" He put both his hand in his raffle boxes and pulled out two balls "Team Midoriya and Team Bakugou! everyone else will watch with me!" We all nod As All Might explains what's happening "Now the heroes will start on the outside of the building while the villains watch out for the bomb inside, no it's not real but id like you to play the role...Now let's get a to move on! " All of us walked to the room with all screens to watch them both teams. I'm curious to see how this plays out, All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder I look back and see Sero "huh?" Sero pointed at me "so what's your quirk?" I looked at him confused oh this is his way of starting a conversation. ''Well, my quirk allows me to make spikes if I hit something hard enough...My hands do get hurt though so I got gloves to help me a little" I chuckle nervously. Sero looked at the screen noticing the match was over I look at the screens "I guess we're next then?.." I smile nervously, Sero nods "we got this!"
Before I knew it we were outside the building looking at the cards we were given...Sero spoke "so we gotta be careful" I nod were against Kirishima and momo (i removed Mineta cuz odd number). We walked in quietly "knowing little about momo I think she'd be the one with the bomb..shes smart" Sero nods as we walked up the stairs when we heard Kirishima with his "villain" tone. "Sero you go find momo I got him" he looked at my "you sure?" I nod "We don't have much time" I took my gloves off and looked at Kirishima as Sero ran off to find momo "alright villain...hit me with your best shot" I smile at him as he runs up to me hardening his arms jumping up..perfect for me but how could he know? I quickly hit the ground causing a small shake in the building making spikes surround Kirishima as he broke free slowly I used the spikes I made to get up to him...my hand felt numb...but I tied him up with the tape and pressed the earpiece "Hey Sero? how is it?" No response "Sero?" All of the sudden rubble fell from the ceiling as a hole formed "w-what the" I looked up and saw Sero using his tape to keep up I looked at Kirishima and made sure he would move and jumped off the spike and hit the ground hard making me shoot up "Sero catch!" Sero quickly catches my hand a swung me towards the "bomb" as Momo was too focused on making something...All of a sudden I was hit by A STEEL baseball bat! Like what the hell! I hit the ground and coughed. Sero swung over to me and landed beside me "(y/n)!" Momo was in full character too she swung at Sero has he dodge he fell and landing on me and his face...I blush bright red I shoved him off quickly and hit the ground as pink energy filled the floor trapping her as a Limp over to the bomb and tap it. I was taken to Recovery girl afterward but no one would shut up about what happened...
I just wanted to walk home in peace but Kaminari made that impossible... Kaminari laughs "He landed on your tits (Y/N)" Sora was laughing right along with him as we walked to the station home "I hate you both so much..." I was embarrassed...and I knew it wasn't going to be the last time...