The sports festival pt.2

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 After lunch, I was a lot better after Sero walked be to the cafeteria and the Kirishima took me back... I think he was j-jealous? It was so weird we were all standing back at that arena once girls were in cheer outfits...Present mic spoke, "so 1-A is doing fan service!" I threw the pom-poms at Kaminari "I'm going to kick your ass!" Kirishima was blushing bright red we all went up to draw lots until orjiro dropped out and one guy from 1-b stepped up.. as we drew for our opponents. I looked up at the I'm against Mina...great. I didn't play in the games I wanted to get ready...Mina's quirk she can melt if I stay away ill be okay...I Got changed out of the stupid cheer costume and back to in my gym uniform, I went up to sit and watch everyone's matches Midoryia was first...I felt Kaminari's hand on my shoulder "Heyyy (y/n) your not still mad are you?.." He seemed really down with himself "yes I am but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop talking to you weirdo.." The present mic was explaining the rules as Midoriya and Shinsou were on the field. The match started and they were talking...He seemed mad...and then stopped midway and turned walking out of the ring...we all stood up "w-what is he doing?!" Ojiro looked panicked "I told him not to talk to him!" all of a sudden his fingers started to glow and a gust of air almost pushed that guy out...His fingers are broken...He started to run towards Shinsou and throws him out of bounds...."Wow...he did it.." I looked at Mina as she nodded as I sit back down. They bowed to each other and went there ways I watched Sero and Todoroki's match too as much as I wanted Sero to win but..was at a huge disadvantage and lost... with a huge iceberg in near our faces...I held onto mina shaking "c-cold...s-s-so scary" It took a while for them to remove the ice todoroki created. We then watched Kamirai and Iida's matches and was me and Mina "Mina how about we go get boba after this is all over?" I smiled Mina laughed a bit "No hard feeling right?" I nod as we were given the go I hit the ground causing her to jump away from my spikes. She ran towards me as I grabbed her arm and threw her but she landed on her hands and jumped to her feet spitting acid at me. I quickly pulled my glove off and hit the ground causing the stadium to shake as a spike knocked Mina out of bounds Midnight looked at me shocked "the winner is (y/n)!" I ran over to mina and helped her up "Are you okay Mina?!" I looked at her worried all she did was laugh and hugged me "Looks like they both as friendly as ever!" present mic added over the intercom as I and Mina laughed on our way to recovery girl...I hid my hand from mina so she wouldn't see... Kirishima saw it though..after that it was Momos match, Kirishima's and Urraka's...Me and Mina missed it though since recovery girl wanted us to stay with her..."I hope Kirishima d-"I saw him and his opposite being wheeled in passed out "o-oh.." Mina looked at them as she spoke..."It looks like they tied...not surprised either their quirks are similar..and personality." Mina sat up "we should head up to watch the res (y/n)" Mina started to walk out "ill meet you there" I walked over to Kirishima after Recovery girl took care of him...he slowly woke up without me noticing"hey Kirishima...sorry I  couldn't watch your match...but don't worry ill be there cheering you on at your rematch promise" I quickly catch up with Mina leaving the room. Recovery girl noticed a smile on Kirishima's face and chuckled. I looked at the board to see who passed "oh I'm against you Tokoyami" I looked over at him "yes I look forward for you to be putting in your best" I nod and sat down as I watched Kirishima go back out there they had to do arm wrestling since what happened would happen again. "go Kirishima!" I smiled cheering for him they other girls and guys joined me as he slowly started to loose he looked up at us Cheering for him and he looked back at Tetsutetsu and slam his hand on the slab breaking it standing up cheering that he did it. "Nice!" Sero grabbed my hand I think you encouraged him (y/n)" I looked at him confused and pulled my hand away "what do you mean..?" Sero shook his head seeing Kirishima come up to sit next to Bakugo "nevermind"  I sat back down. and waited...When Midoriya lost to Todoroki  it was really a hard battle but Midoriya was pretty banged up...we all were worried. But Iidas match was pretty quick since that vine girl didn't really have a chance to attack. Im next Tokoyami and I stood no talking this time when Midnight said start we did "Dark shadow!" The shadow came right for me I hit the ground and made a wall he of course went around it but that was my plan I made a hole and slide to the other side to Tokoyami he looked kinda surprised I hit the ground once more this time you could see the pink energy being put into it making a large spike with no point to tokoyami  dark shadow grabbed me but my spike was still in motion and pushed Tokoyami out on bounds "wow she actually did it!" Momo stood up excited. I sighed in reilf as dark shadow gently put me down "Smart kid Tokoyami we didn't see that coming at all" Dark shadow looked at him as he nodded...I was happy I won but I'm nervous of who id be against...Kirishima or Bakugou... Me and Tokoyami went to sit and watch the next match Kirishima and Bakugou....Bakugou was making explosions to kirishima...He was doing fine but his quirk doesn't last long so he was knocked out...So that mean me and Bakugou were against each other...."G-great.." I got super nervous...."We have out final four now ladies and gentlemen!" Present mic was very excited commentating on everything...We had Iida and Todoroki...Iida was doing great but that ice was no now its me and Bakugou..In the middle of our fight "Your quirk is useless spikes!" He cracked my wall to divide us in pieces my hands were bleeding at this point and my feet were numb...I took both my hands as exhausted as I was I need to do this "Shut it! Pomerian!" I hit the ground as hard as I could making a large spike with pink energy flow through it but it didn't work...He blew a giant hole in it and punched me in the gut quirk and all flying me out of bounds as I coughed up blood hitting the wall..."(y/n) is out of bounds! Bakugou goes on!" midnight put her hand up as I was carried to Recovery girl...Kirishima and the class all worried for be so Mina,Tsu,Kirishima and Kaminari went to see me they still watched the match with Bakugou and Todoroki...As I was being healed I was watching them...they seemed to be talking a lot espessaly Bakugou I stood up when I was done and walked with all my friends back to the seating and we made it to see bakugou in some dust storm and knock todoroki out of bounds...he was so pissed...He had to be restrained out of the field...a couple minutes later everyone was standing on the field as I was raised on the third place pedistal,Todoroki second and A chained bakugou yelling...or well mumbling.."One person whos good enough to pass these out! All might!" He jumped down and well midnight ruine3d his entrance but oh well he gently put the medal around my neck "(y/n) you did very well but you need to work on close combat aswell distance is fine but you can do so much" he gently hugs me "yes sir" I smiled a bit as he went to todoroki and bakugou....Bakugou was yelling the entire time.."These are our winners!" All Might pointed out now everyone..." Everyone said plus ultra but was funny to me so I giggled a bit.

(back at class)

"Nice work everyone,you have the next two days off to recover. Im sure heroes will be asking you all to join their internships so be careful who you choose" everyone was listening "Yes sir" we went home when I walked with Sora he gave me a big hug "ow s-sora." He started to cry "your too reckless!" I looked at Kaminari,Sero, and Kirishima for help.."l-lets go home you guys" Kaminari started to walk to the train with everyone I was being carried by Sora...I didn't want too but that's what happened... I was looking forward to the days off.

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