Chapter 1

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Nina was... apprehensive. Both excited and nervous. Nervous because... well, she didn't really know. This summer just felt important for some reason. Maybe something big would happen, but she doubted it. Just a normal, regular summer with her and her brother, against the world. They always had been, it's not like it was going to change.

Of course, it was summer at Camp Half-Blood, land of a thousand things that mortals would never even dream were possible(besides Rachel). For example, one of the most popular things to do was Capture the Flag, which was perfectly normal, right? Not at CHB, where it involves actual weapons and strategy.

Yep. This was definitely going to be an interesting summer. Perhaps she'd convince Leah to grow a pair and ask Alex out. She'd been trying to do it for years, even involving bribery(Leah would do almost anything for a director's cut of Star Wars), but to no avail.

Anyway, she was excited because then she'd get loads of quality time with Bree, who she did NOT have a crush on, she reminded herself, blushing lightly as she packed her pink, purple, and blue suitcase.

Of course, she didn't have a crush on Bree. Bree, as far as she knew, only liked guys, not to mention the fact that even if she did, Bree would never love her in that way. So it doesn't matter. Period.

Nina nods at herself in the mirror. So what if Bree would never love her in a romantic way? All Nina needed was herself and a never-ending supply of tacos. And her brother, obviously.

She slung her bag over her shoulder and walked out. "Dad? Noah? Mom? We have to go!"

Calypso walks in, hands full of gardening equipment. "Hi, honey. Give me 5 minutes, alright?" She puts the equipment down and goes into her room.

20 minutes later, Nina sits down in a car, behind Leo, who's still complaining about not getting to take Festus. "But no one will see us, I'll go above the clouds!"

"No, Leo, mortals could see us and start shooting. No way." Calypso sighs.

"But the Mist!"

"Some people can see through the Mist!"

They continue arguing and Nina glances at Noah, who's nervously drumming his fingers on his thigh and staring out the window, looking worried. She frowns and takes out her phone.

Nina: what's wrong?

Noah: nothing. I'm fine.

Nina: that's a lie and you know it. Can I guess?

Noah: no

Nina: it's because of Cam, isn't it?

Noah glares at her, face red. Nina smirks.

Nina: relax, you'll probably never see him

Noah: i know.

Nina: he misses you tho

Nina: whenever I bring you up, he looks down, sorta dejected.

Nina: and I know you miss him too.

Nina: please just talk to him, I can't stand to see either of you like this

Noah: maybe.

Nina: that's the spirit!

Nina: seriously tho, i promise you won't regret it if you do

Noah: doubt it, but okay

Nina: yay!!!! :D

An hour later, Nina sets her stuff down on her bed in the Hephaestus cabin. "Hey Noah?"

Noah looks at her from the top bunk. "Yeah?"

"Can I tell you something?"

"Sure." He sits up.

"I may have a crush on someone..."

"No shit Sherlock."

Nina stares at him. "What?"

"Oh, it means that I know-"

"Yeah, I know what 'No shit Sherlock' means, dumbass. I mean, how did you know?"

"You stare at her all the time."

Nina blushes. "I do not!"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night."

She rolls her eyes. "Anyway, I figured I'd tell you. I'm going to get over it this summer, because there is no way that it would happen, because she is definitely only into guys."

"You sure about that?"

"Yeah. She's never expressed interest in girls."


"So she doesn't."

"Bree talks about you a lot, you know."

"Shut up. Cam talks about you a lot too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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