#3 - She's 'Home'

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Madelyn's POV

"Hey can you and harry go steal from Curl up and dye they owe us money" Uma says walking up to the table me and Heidi were sat on

"Yea sure, can you or Gil watch Heidi please" I say standing up

"Gil will have to, I'm busy Sorry" Uma apologises to gil

"That's fine, I love spending time with Heidi" Gil says standing up and sitting next to heidi who's colouring

"Thanks Gil" I say before going over to Heidi and kissing her on top of her head

"See you in a bit heids" I say before pulling Harry away from some crew members

"Bye mummy Bye daddy" she waves

"Where are we going love?" Harry asks as we get our swords out of the sword check barrel

"Curl up and Dye, they owe money apparently" I explain

"Oh ok" Harry says wrapping his non hook arm around my waist


"Watch it bitch" Some random person says as he walks into me before realising who I am

"What did you just say" I shout unravelling myself from Harry's grip and turning to the man

"Oh no, Um I'm sorry please dont hurt me" he said cowering away and holding out money for us to not hurt him

Before he can say anymore I grab the money and slap him before turning back to my boyfriend and walking away

"Look where you're going next time" Harry threatens before following me

We get to Curl up and Dye and see Dizzy, daughther of Drizella about to put some notes into the register

"Fork it over, ya runt" harry says holding out his hand out as I slap him on the shoulder for being mean to Dizzy. Soon she pulls out a some money from her pockets and hands it over to Harry

"And the rest of it diz you don't want Uma coming for you" I say pointing towards the register

As she's handing over the rest of the money and me and harry were about to walk out we hear someone behind us

"Still running errands for Uma Maddie or do you actually get to keep what you steal" My sister says from behind us

When I realised it was her I suddenly got very angry, harry noticed my eyes starting to turn blue instead of my normal green and puts his hand on my shoulder to calm me down before turning to Mal.

"Well well well. What a nice surprise" Harry says to Mal

"Oh hi harry" Mal says trying to sound as if she didnt notice him

"Just wait until Uma hears you're back. Let's just say her and your sister will never give you back your old territory" He says walking away from me and over to Mal

"Oh well that's okay because I will be taking it" Mal threatens

I laugh at this

"You really think you can take back what's now mine and Uma's" I finally say

"Um yea it's gone be pretty easy since you're both so weak" Mal insults which gets me even more angry

"You watch, you will regret challenging me" I laugh

"Will I though?" she teasing me

By this point I could have killed her if it wasnt for Harry putting his arm out and holding me back

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