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"The magic of Christmas never ends
and its greatest of gifts are family and friends."
- Unknown

"I'm so sorry that I couldn't come over," Enya wrapped her bony arms around Athene's small frame, "I would have rather been here anyways."

Athene relished the feeling of warmth that came from the bone-crushing hug, and, while it couldn't last forever, she enjoyed the moment. Christmas Day had been something of a nightmare this year. The young bookstore owner had found herself holed up in her apartment with nothing to do other than drown out her sorrows in old muggle rom-coms and ice cream. With the memories of her parents around every corner, she tried to quiet her mind with empty calories and sappy romances.

"It's alright," Athene patted her friend's shoulder, "I got caught up on all the new movies that Alison sent for Christmas."

Enya scoffed and immediately dropped her arms, "You watched Alison's newest shipment without me?"

"It's the price you pay for leaving me alone," Athene smiled, happy to focus on something other than the depressing state that she was in two days before. Enya eyed her dangerously. "Don't worry, I'll watch them with you next week."

"What do you have going on today that is so important?" Athene glanced down at her shoes and heat rushed to her face. "Do you have another date with Charlie Weasley?" The grin that spread across Enya's face was almost unnatural.

"I'm going to meet his family at their Christmas dinner," Athene, who usually would be a nervous wreck by now, was surprisingly calm. She knew that meeting his family would be a big deal, especially after how close the couple had become, but she couldn't bring herself to be anxious. "I'm quite excited actually. I've heard a lot of good things about his family."

"That," Enya gasped for breath, "is so bloody adorable."

"You're such a nut," Athene smiled and shook her head. Leave it to her best friend to cheer her up. "He's coming in three hours, and we're going to use the floo network to get to the burrow."

"You're not apparating?"

"Charlie doesn't particularly enjoy apparating," Athene had to cover her smile, "Apparently, when he took the lessons offered in Hogwarts, he ended up accidentally apparating into the girls' lavatory and was destroyed by Ingrid Holloway."

"Ouch." Both girls could remember the demon that was Ingrid Holloway. She was sorted into Slytherin a year behind Athene, Enya, and Charlie, and she was a force of nature. The girl was at least six feet tall and had the muscles of a beast. Despite the year difference, Ingrid made it known that she was on top of the scholarly standings.

"Yeah," Athene shook her head to rid herself of the thoughts, "Anyways, come help me pick out what to wear."

As the the clock neared a half-past four, Athene began to grow nervous. Charlie was set to pick her up exactly at four thirty and that was only moments away. She used her clammy hands to press out the non-existent wrinkles in her white sweater. Enya had helped her pick out her stylish ensemble, and she was quite pleased with the results. The white sweater was tucked into one of her nicer pairs of black jeans and a silver chain hung from her neck. If she wasn't so nervous, she would have been staring at herself in the mirror.

At precisely four-thirty, Athene opened her front door to find Charlie standing outside. "I didn't even knock," Charlie chuckled as he took in Athene's appearance. "You look especially beautiful today."

"Thank you," the blush that crept into Athene's cheeks could hardly fight the chill that had come through the door, "I hadn't realized that it was snowing."

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