Re Awakened Rage

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You were walking home from the store, in an autopilot like trance. You had the groceries your grandpa wanted. You couldn't really care less about going to the store. It seemed like no matter what you did, you never had any enjoyment out of it. You were halfway home when you saw a blue flash coming from the alley way, followed by a deafening crash. You continued  walking by, not really caring until you saw something out of the corner of your eye a uniform that you wished you'd never see again standing over a bleeding woman.

Tracer POV 

Tracer crashed into a dumpster on her attempt to escape her hunters, her bleeding form now giving out due to blood loss. 'How stupid could I be' she thought to herself. She was so focussed on taking down her target that she completely forgot about keeping the civilians safe. In the middle of the fight she saw a boy looking at her in awe, holding an action figure of her, completely oblivious to the immense danger he was in. The Talon agent didn't even hesitate to shoot at the boy. Lena teleported in front of him. Taking the shot directly into her side before teleporting the boy away. Lena fled the scene and travelled through the alleys that she knew like the back of her hand trying to escape until her body gave out. She removed the bullet out of her side.

Lena sighed as she knew that her time was up. She could already hear the footsteps nearing her. A few seconds later the agents arrived. Knowing that there's no way to escape she smiled and prepared for deaths embrace when she saw a glimpse of a boy, not older then 19 staring directly at them.

Normal POV

Y/N watched in silence as the woman croaked " yourself" before she was shot in the leg which caused her to nearly scream in pain (she didn't want to attract anyone's attention so they didn't get hurt) "Shut up! You honestly think we're gonna let this kid go away, after he saw us" the man stared at you then suddenly he grinned "Even better! I know you, your that Y/N boy aren't ya? The boss will promote me for sure after I not only kill tracer, but the boy who got away!" He laughed maniacally. Lenas mouth dropped when she realized who you are. She felt sorry for you, but still urged you to escape, hoping for a miracle to save you. Little did she know that Y/N didn't need a miracle to save him. He just needed his anger


Y/N's heart was beating rapidly in his chest, his nails once again tore through his flesh. This sensation he was feeling, was something he hadn't experienced in over a year, hell it was one of the first things he's felt I'm a year. Rage. He remembered the lifeless body of his sister on the floor. Y/N's anger rose with every second passed. The woman begging Y/N to run was ignored. He couldn't let her die either, not after failing to protect his own family. Rage clouded Y/N's head as he began slowly walking towards the group of men. 

They all thought that he was surrendering to them but they couldn't be more wrong. No one noticed that each step he took his foot broke through the ground, leaving indents of his shoe as he walked slowly up to the monsters. They were cocky but all of that changed in the blink of an eye, literally. 

The man blinked and in the brief moment of weakness Y/N bolted forwards and punched the man in the jaw, shattering it on impact, right before he got hit with a second punch directly on the temple. A sickening CRACK was heard in the crisp night air. The man crumbled to the floor. The other 2 man panicked and tried to shoot at you but were stopped before they could pull the trigger. You grabbed both of there heads and slammed them together and that CRACK was heard yet again. They cried in pain and eventually lost consciousness. You sneer at the bodies on the ground before turning to Lena who had shock plastered on her face before she passed out.

You picked her up and ran home, luckily no one saw the odd sight of a boy running home with a bleeding woman.

You walked through the door and were met with a comment from your grandpa. "Boy! When I said you should bring home a girl, I meant consensually god dammit!". "Shut up you old man, she was this way when I found her" you replied. "Well then why did you bring her here and not the hospital?". Getting impatient you said "Do you not know who this is?", "A prostitute?" He asked. You just shook your head and tended to her wounds and layer her down on your bed.

Lena POV

'Ow...where am I?"

I looked across a clean room, one that she was not familiar with. I immediately went for my guns but found that they weren't there. I immediately jumped up but was stopped by Y/N

"Please calm down"  Y/N said. I looked at the man. My eyes met his as I slowly remembered what happened yesterday and what Y/N did.

"Relax I'm not here to hurt you. I just brought you here so you can heal up". Y/N replied, I found the voice quite soothing. Then I said "OH NO LOVE WE GOTTA GO!". Y/N looked puzzled at me. I explained how they were in danger and had to go. I was interrupted when Y/N's grandfather yelling. "BOY! How long does it take you to see if the girls awake! I'm about to open that door and boy your clothes better be on!" I felt my face grow hot at the sudden image that popped into my head as Y/N quickly turned his head.

Normal POV

After his grandpa made the comment, Y/N felt extremely embarrassed as he thought of the action. A blushing Y/N shouted "Shut up you old geezer!". Lena turned to Y/N and said "Love, I think we should leave the sooner we leave, the safer your grandpa will be" Y/N nodded but said "It's better to leave in a full stomach". That's when the smell of the food below reached her nose and she bolted to the door and teleported past your grandpa who was now experiencing WW3 flashbacks. (It it's the future) "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" he screamed. You just smiled and said "Good Grief".


Lena had finished her waffles and tea and said "Thanks Mr L/N". "Don't thank me, thank the boy, I can't even pour me self a glass of water without starting a fire" Lena was confused but didn't question it. She then turned  to Y/N and thanked him. Y/N felt another blush coming. 'Why do I feel this way I haven't felt anything since..that night but why now.' Y/N thought to himself, but little did he know there will be a lot more women who'll make him feel the same way, and possibly return Y/N to his former self.


After explaining the situation after breakfast Y/N packed his bag and was prepared to leave when he was suddenly pulled into a hug by his grandpa "I'll miss you" You just smile and return the hug. You separate and say "I'll miss you old man". You wave and let Lena guide you too the pick up spot.  After you were a decent ways away from your house she asked "How did you do it?" Y/N looked confused as Lena clarified "Love, I meant last night" Y/N was once again confused "I just hit them hard what's so special about it". Lenas mouth dropped as she realized he didn't realize how strong he is.

From her perspective you move impossibly fast and those blows were near invisible. She would have to ask Winston about it later.

End: Please vote if you liked it. Helps me know if you want me to continue or not.

This story will get better after this trust me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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