Untitled Part 2

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Copyright C+ Justin Moody 2020 Update since above video 10 June 2020.

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Assemblies of your lives

1989 Nuclear War Assembly.

129. This assembly was mentioned prior to your injection with an isotope but is repeated here.

130. The Scandinavian hybrids, some of whom claim to have family names known as Johnston, Gregson, Campbell, McDonald and Lumsden changed your original life or atom trail by controlling through a relative of yours to change your future atom trail. Consider these names were given to set the families up or to claim their achievements and assets.You were then controlled to fight the American Government in a Nuclear War in 1989, and for you to overthrow the public Windsor (Saxe-Coburg Gotha) Royal Family.

131. They hybrids wanted you to claim the British throne and the American military with your identity, to then replace you, and take your identity with clones / shape shifters.

132. A small group within the American government were controlled to know about you, and say nothing about this 1989 war, so that they were tricked into fighting you to try and stop the war, which then is what was going to cause the war to happen.

133. You were going to win this war in 6 minutes and rule the world. 300 nuclear weapons were deployed. Western and Eastern Europe were wiped out to hide atom trails. Your hometown of Perth was hit with 3 large hydrogen bombs. You survived a close impact by jumping in a swimming pool. You have also seen real vison projected to your T.V of a circa 1980's Perth being nuked in an airburst detonation above the city from the aspect of South Perth foreshore.

134. During this war you were assembled to do telekinesis and capsized 3 American aircraft carriers, and all the fuel tankers after controlling the crews to abandon ship, and sent rest of the fleets back to port. Your original relative who was controlled through to control this atom assembly was then controlled to replace you after the nuclear war, and take my identity. You invented anti gravity flight during this atom assembly.

135. You were also controlled to exterminate all the controller's breeders, and a group of 9ft tall 3000 year old Vikings who are honourable warriors.

136. You viewed this atom trail in 1977 and decided not to fight. You initially thought you were 4 at this time but now suspect may have been around 2 or 3 years of age due to the uncertain date of your birth. You changed all of human history in an instant.

137. You spent the next 3 weeks looking through your many changing future atom trails. You have another life during this period hidden and not known to the controllers.

2015 Anti Christ assembly

138. The small group in the American Government were told by you that you wanted to sacrifice yourself as being the antichrist, so that your replacements could be the Second Coming of Christ and then have authority to take control of the world and stop all the wars and suffering. You were to die at age 40 from your sinuses collapsing beneath your brain due to an infection from being forced to eat your school friends excrement in 1981, in a bid to stop them from killing your family, when 8 years old. Switzerland was going to be the capital of the world in this assembly and the Windsor's were going to stay on the throne.

65 White Light Assembly

139. One of the assemblies you had was the 65 White light assembly, where the American Government stored you underground surrounded by hot bright lights where you couldn't move due to the heat, at 65 years of age. This was set up as a separator assembly so that you, and the people controlled to fight you, take the blame for all events in the following assemblies. This small group in the American Government were tricked into thinking the 1989 Nuclear War was your fault. You had no knowledge of your superpowers or life story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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