Untitled Part 1

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Copyright C+ Justin Moody 2020.    Updated since above video on 10 June 2020. 

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Howdy everyone.

1. My name is Justin Moody from Perth, Western Australia. I have been working on a script for a series of Sci-Fi books I am writing about aliens taking over Earth. The books are like the "Choose you own adventure" style books from the 1980's which I loved. The books are set in the first person and the reader being the central character.

2. In those books you got to a certain page then were presented with decisions to make, and different page numbers to select to continue your choice of story. I have assembled thousands of events true from history, some real and imagined events from my own life, and a heap of Sci – Fi stuff for good measure. Here is a sample of the story and events.

3. Tell me what you think of the overall story lines!

The Setting

4. It is set in a world where everything is controlled by the atom. We live in multi-dimensional multiverse, not a universe, with the current science theories of supersymmetry, string theory, and quantum entanglement all being fact. In the quantum entanglement world, distance of no obstacle to interstellar travel as you just teleport.

5. The present, future and past are all assembled in atom trails. As Einstein says, time is relevant to where you are in time. The atoms and people in the future trails are in the future, there living and in solid matter, as are the atoms and people in the past trails. The atom trails are left at the locations of all matter and life.

6. Everything in the atom trails is fixed and can't be changed, except by a few powerful enough to do so. They have to do individual things to change the future. I can change the entire planets future at once. The atom trails can be edited so that certain parts become invisible and appear to have never happened. They can be made to reappear later.

The Earthlings

7. The human brain is just a tool to run the body and emotions. Our memories are in the atom trails and not stored in the brain, The brain just reads them. The human body is not fully powered by food intake, it is also powered by atoms. The human body also has an energy field not created by atoms, but by biological processes. This is called the spirit. It last for two weeks after death

The Invaders

8. Earth has been visited by aliens for tens of thousands of years and were involved with Ancient civilizations. Egypt, Arabia and the Jews are classic example of this 5,000 years ago. These invaders have been using Earth as a base for genes and husks to live in.

9. 3,000 years ago aliens took the form of people of Viking appearance. Some people say these original invaders are not aliens, but are just humans who have altered their genes.

10. They learned how to regenerate the human husk. The male hormonal system caused the men grow a 1ft taller per thousand years. They are now 9ft tall. The women don't keep growing due their hormonal systems. The hybrids learnt how to do gene therapy while regenerating and can completely change their DNA, and appearance over 1 year of regeneration. They have been taking genes from this planet and have now formed into hybrids.

11. They have also edited themselves with genes from our animal kingdom. You believe sone of these sources could be reptile and feline. When they shape shift into their ceremonial form, they have the head of a reptile like appearance of a lizard. You can most easily describe this as having cheeks which flare out several inches to each side, like the appearance of the Australian chocolate called Freddo Frog. They also have an appearance of excitement of their face. The energy can be seen in the eyes of some of hybrids when they are in human form. You have witnessed 3 of these shape shifters in the hybrid form in person, 2 in 1988 and one in 2017. Two of these have been helping you.

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