Finale, part 3

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"Well, time for the final part," H said as everyone had mixed feelings.

Some were sad to stop watching the Multiverse, while others were happy that the final universe was almost over.

We see Uraraka, Overhaul, & the League of Villains were preparing their 1000° weapons.

Meanwhile, Midoriya & his crew made it the generator room of Shigaraki's base, where they saw Iida running on a treadmill, powering the base.

"Iida!" Everyone yelled.

"No wonder he didn't kill you," Sero said.

Iida was as skinny as a twig & had a dead look in his face. Midoriya stopped the treadmill & destroyed it, freeing Iida. Iida was scared.

"Iida, its me, Midoriya. We thought you were dead," Midoriya said.

"I-I phased through a decay beam when the base's g-generator was d-damaged. He c-converted me to replacement. You- you gotta make me stop!" Iida yelled at Midoriya as he collapsed.

"Let me," Eri said as she put her hand on Iida's head & calmed him down.

"If he was the generator, then there is nothing else we can destroy. There's nothing to stop Shigaraki from building another army," Kota said.

"Oh no!" Mina yelled.

"Well, we're too far into this now to turn back," Tokoyami said as everyone followed him.

Meanwhile, Todoroki was holding his own against the cyborgs.

He cut off one of Mina's legs while blocking Hawks. He then dodged an earth attack from Pixie Bob & hit were with some ice.

Meanwhile, Uraraka & Overhaul led the League of Villains through the factory. Mr. Compress was using a steaming spiked cane to cut robots in half.

Gang Orca ripped off limbs while yelling, "Gang Orca is an Orca!"

Toga did flips while blasting robots with heat bullets.

Dabi was burning robots to a crisp.

Then Muscular jumped from behind him into the middle of the robots to attack them with heat gauntlets, but was tackled & ripped apart.

Then, Mr. Compress was grabbed by the leg & ripped in half.

Overhaul & Uraraka shot robots with heat guns.

"Almost out of ammo," Overhaul said.

"We can't let them through," Uraraka said as her & the other backed up to the control panel.

"Everyone on the platform!" Overhaul yelled as everyone listened.

As everyone got on the platform, Overhaul pressed some buttons & made a bubble shells around them, which cut a nearby robot in half.

"Hopefully their safe," Yaoyorozu said.

Meanwhile, Midoriya & his crew broke through the door a to see a super computer with Sato integrated into it.

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