Together again

711 11 1

Messages between Sam and Colby...

Colby: who the hell is that girl

Sam: what do you mean?

Colby: don't lie to me sam. Are you cheating on me

Sam: what no of course not

Colby: then why is she posting pictures of you guys say that she misses you

Sam: I don't know . I promise that I don't have any feeling for her. I'm gay remember?

Colby: are you sure because I don't want to get my heart broken.. I love you so so much sam

Sam:baby, I love you so so much and I would never cheat on you. I thought she meant that as friends . I'm so clueless

Colby: that you are ;)

Sam: meany😔

Colby: I love youuuu

Sam: I love you too colbs 🥰

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