Ask Oklahoma, Awnsers 2

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Oklahoma: *walking to her room* What is it Eugen?

Prinz Eugen: How was your date with Y/N yesterday?

Oklahoma: It went well. Only had a problem with Roon. She kept trying to interfere along with Akagi.

Prinz Eugen: I see. Well me and Biscuit are going on a date with Y/N now. Just letting you know. *grins* I'm ganna be teasing him non-stop today. 

Oklahoma: Don't do it to much.

Prinz Eugen: Ja, I'll try. *walks away*

Oklahoma: *sighs* Either our creators made us too cute or all that food and beer is going to her hips. She's possibly bigger Roon there.

Prinz Eugen heard this and threw a empty can behind her, hitting Oklahoma on the head.

Oklahoma: Ow. *rubs her head*

Prinz Eugen: Bigger hips, bigger defence. Bye Oklahoma. *walks off*

Oklahoma: Don't call me that.*sighs* I hope this isn't an ecchi style Q&A. If it is then I'll have Eugen do it. *looks at the viewers* You can ask, but it's 50/50 I'll awnser. Try me!

Also Oklahoma: *mind: Uh-oh. I shouldn't have said that.*

Oklahoma walks back to her room and opens her phone.

Oklahoma: Ok We have a few questions. Let's see, first one is from @Patrickhero100 "You ever watch any war movies that feature you in them?"

Oklahoma: Since I'm not in a lot of movies. I only seen two movies I was in, Pearl Harbor and Pearl Harbor-USS Oklahoma-The Final Story. It does bring back a bit of bad memories, especially the Pearl Harbor one. It gives me chills. If y'all know if I'm in any other movies, please let me know.  Next.

Oklahoma: This one is from @black9379. "Have you ever watched space battleship yamato 2199?"

Oklahoma: I'm afraid I haven't. Sorry.

Oklahoma: This one is from @codmplayer2514. "How long have you been dating with Y/N?"

Oklahoma: Since Chapter 14: Confession. It feels like yesterday he confessedto me. Next!

Oklahoma: Next one is from @SyriaandIraq. "What are your opinions on California and Hood?"

Oklahoma: My opinion on California is she's a nice person who looked down on Y/N at first but stopped after a while. But like Arizona, I kind of have a friendly hatred for her. She was sunk, but was brought back up and repaired. The others are an exception, this is between battleships. Me and Arizona had suffered a bit more like the rest.

Oklahoma: As for Good. She's a very lovable, caring, and forgiving person. She was tge first battlecruiser Y/N got, she's caring towards others and gives advice. And she forgave Bismarck, who sunk her. She's one of my best friends here at the  base.

Oklahoma: Next one is from EarlVincentMartinez. It says "What are your worst fears?"

Oklahoma: I'll name a couple. A worse Pearl Harbor happening to  Y/N, my friends, and me. And the last one, my worst fear, is losing Y/N. I don't want to lose him again. Next please.

Oklahoma: This one is from matthbpilot. "What's your opinion on IronBlood warships; specifically Tirpitz?"

Oklahoma: The IronBlood warships, in my opinion, are one of the strongest. Most of them are well armored and have some of the best guns. *mumbles: When am I gonna get those things? Grr.*

Oklahoma: Huh?  *looks at the reader* Eh? *blushes* Nothing! I said nothing! Absolutely nothing! Hehehe!

Oklahoma: Anyways, my opinion on Tirpitz. Well, to me, she's like her sister, Bismarck. She's has great armor and good guns. Aside from that, she's a fun person to talk to. Shes a fun person to talk to. She likes some people here, except for Victorious. Let's just say Victorious bombed Tirpitz's room while she was sleeping. It's a mini war between them. Y/N ordered them to duel it out in a mock battle next week. I have my money on Tirpitz. Why? Cause if I hear Victorious try to talk me into wearing an outfit I'm gonna blow.

Oklahoma: That's all the questions. That's you guys so much and I'm sorry @shadowgamer254 for not posting my opinion on that Kisaragi. Ill promise I'll do it next time. And for now, bye guys.

 And for now, bye guys

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