Ask Oklahoma, Answers 3

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Oklahoma is walking from the docks towards her room.

Oklahoma: *stretches* Training was great.

???: *covers her eyes* Guess who.

Oklahoma: Kya! Ummm...hint?

???: Cruiser.

Oklahoma: Hood?

???: Northern Parliament.

Oklahoma: Avrora?

Avrora: Yup! *takes her hands off* So what you doing?

Oklahoma: I'm just heading back to my dorm. I'm gonna go rest up.

Avrora: Want a drink? *holds out a bottle of vodka*

Oklahoma: No thanks.

Avrora: Waaa! Why not!

Oklahoma: Let's just say that my last time drinking didn't go well. And my sister got mad. After she heard about it, she was worried a lot and got mad at me for drinking.

Avrora: Okay then, suit yourself. *Chugs it*

Oklahoma: Okay. Bye bye Avrora. *Smiles and walks away to her dorm* Okay. Let's see.

She looks around and closes the blinds and starts up her stream.

Oklahoma: Is it on? Good! *She steps back*
Ahem! Hello everyone! It's been a while. And I'm back to answering your questions for me!! Yay!! Now, I'll answer you guys questions! Ask me anything, could be about the story, in the story, or about mee!! Your favorite battleship Okie! See y'all in the comments!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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