Chapter 4

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I ran out of the class room and looked through the crowd of people that walked among the narrow hallways. Landon was nowhere to be seen. I stood on my tippy toes and did a 180, but I had waited too long, he was long gone now.

I was taken aback when somebody slid their hands around my hips turning me around to face them. Half expecting to see Landon I was shocked when it was Jason. He was about 6 inches taller than me and stood starring down on me hands still placed on my hips. He wore a lilac polo, and tan kakis. His strawberry blond hair was styled and spiky, he was nailing the preppy boy look.It felt like I hadn't seen him in ages.

"Abrielle" He smiled sliding his hands off of my body. "How are you?" Was he seriously asking me this? He had no right! We were through and he was with Kelly now.

"Good. Excellent. Never better. Hows you and your new whore of a girlfriend?" He's smile wore away. Did he really think I didn't know?
He's jaw twitched like it always did when he panicked. "About that. I was gonna tell you, but I didn't want to hurt you. I thought it be better if I just keep it from you."

Blinking back the tears that dared to water in my eyes I put on a hard face. " Landon it's okay. I've moved on. I could care less that you're with someone else now."

He shifted awkwardly and opened his mouth to say something when Kelly came out of no where wrapping her skinny arms around him. She wore a dark green dress that was way too short for our dress code and her auburn hair was in a neat, yet messy bun.

Landon looked over at Kelly with a look that said not now.

"Babe I was just gonna help you, obviously your struggling with telling her what you thought you had to tell her. I don't see why, she's so not worth it." She looked me up and down with petty her brown eyes landing on my dark grey ones for a minute.

"Tell me what?" I asked my heart beat growing.

"It's nothing." Landon quivered.

"Tell me." I demanded.

"Phew let me make this easy for you." Kelly spoke stepping in front of Landon as he fought her. Whatever he was keeping secret he obviously wanted it to stay that way.

Kelly took a deep dramatic breath before letting it all out. " The only reason Landon ever dated your gross butt is because the football team dared him to date one of the least popular girls in school for a week promising him if he made it they'd pay him 100 dollars. I didn't think that was a very good bribe he should've at least asked for 300. Anyways he accepted the challenge, hard challenge that must've been. I don't know why he stayed with you after that. If I was a boy I wouldn't date you for a day with all the money in the world, never the less 2 months. Well it's okay he must've not liken you too much or else he wouldn't have cheated on you with me the whole time. Opps did I just say that?" She had an evil smile plastered on her face as she crossed her arms over her chest satisfied with herself.

I was paralyzed. I didn't trust my ears. I looked at Jason to see emotion written all over his face, it was true. I sheepishly smiled at them then turned away and started walking towards the bathroom. I couldn't believe this was happening! He dated me as a dare? And cheated on me the whole time? People weren't what they seemed.

Someone grabbed a hold of my wrist. " I didn't take the money and I didn't cheat on you! I swear it!" Jason said a little too forcefully. Obviously he had cheated on me, I had seen him! Anger flushed through my body and before I knew it my hand that wasn't being held flew out in front of me slapping Jason hard against the face. A look of bewilderment came over him as he clutched his cheek. I watch as his cheeks boiled red and his eyebrows furrowed down at me. "What the hell. Who do you think you are to hit me?" He launched out both hands to grab hold of my body but I took several steps back.

I turned and started pacing to the exit door squirming through the other students getting to their next class. I had to get out of here. I shoved the door open and started walking towards the bleachers. The fresh air burned my tear stung eyes and the bright sun made it hard to see. I made it to the bleachers and sat down on the first row.

I couldn't believe this. I was hurt and humiliated. I shouldn't be so shocked, I should've known something was up when the quarter back went out of his way to get me to like him. Me. A plain, invisible girl that no one ever thinks much of. Probably cause no one knows who I am.

That was two months of my life wasted on him. It was all a lie. Jason had helped me through so much. A week before we started dating my parents told me I was adopted. We shared that in common and he helped me accept it. All the things he said couldn't have been a lie? He shared very personal things like his adoption with me. A hope flared inside me realizing maybe we were meant to be together. Then I remembered about the bet and him cheating.

Anger sent chills through through my core. I whipped my tears and stood up. I will not pout over him. He's not worth it I told myself.

As I was walking back towards the school someone spoke up from behind me.


I turned around to see Jason glaring at me. I turned back around and walked faster my shoes crunching on the fall leaves. Suddenly someone pushed me into the ground. My arms flailed out to try and catch me, but they miserably failed. My nose hit hard on the ground. I let out a groan. I weaved around and saw Jason hovering over top of me. I put a hand up to my nose and shivered as I felt blood pouring out.

What the hell Jason! I opened my mouth to speak but his face stopped me. His looked so POed and angry. I had never seen him like this. He spoke "You do not hit me!!!" He kicked me hard in the stomach sending my whole body flying helplessly back 4 feet before I crashed back to the ground. I clutched my stomach to try and stop the huge pain from where Jasons boot had come in contact with my stomach.
He walked towards me again and I held my hands up in surrender. They were bloody from my nose. Why was he doing this to me?

Jason clenched his fist together and was swinging an arm at me when someone wearing all black tackled him to the ground the guy started punching Jason in the face. He was twice as muscular as him and the more Jason struggled to get free the harder this guy punched.

I sat there in complete and total shock. I should probably go get someone, maybe a teacher, a police? My body hurt too bad to do anything, but sit there and watch.

After about 5 minutes later the mysterious guy in black stood up off of Jason. I took a good look at Jason, his face was purple and reminded me of Landons the night before. He moaned in pain and tears fell freely down his face. I felt no sympathy for the guy who just attacked me. He deserved it.

The boy in black turned to face me. My heart skipped a beat when I saw his face. It was.. familiar, but I couldn't quit place my finger from where I'd seen him. He had dark brown hair that swept perfectly over his forehead, dark eyes, long eyelashes, big lips, and sharp jaw bones.

He stood there starring at me with a blank expression. My head had alarms going off warning me of this new guy before me, but I ignored them.

I broke my eyes from his and looked down at my stomach wishing I had magical laser eyes so I could make the pain go away.

When I looked back up the boy and Jason were gone. I unbelievably looked around making a 360, but I was alone.

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