the birthday party?and our engagment

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(1 month later)

life is good it's been amazing here. I have a family. I have a pack who loves me and Eli for who we are. a mate and boyfriend who is over protective. four idiotic 'brothers' which are Phoenix, Victor, and the twins Zachary and Joseph. and another sister Legend. life is a blessing but we keep getting rouge attacks off and on.


I wake up in the morning because Kyrie stupid self jumping on my bed shouting 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU DIPTHONG'

yup today is my birthday January 24 but I don't want anyone to know. I'm turning well 20. I have been mated and marked by jason. But I sometimes spend the nights with Kyrie.

"okay..... okay Im up you dipshit burger and thank you" I say he chuckles. he is now eight years old. and a hand full

"come on get up and get dressed I have to take you some where" okay? I get up and go to grab a tank top but Kyrie stops me handing me a dress instead. it was a heart line strapless and it was midnight black. I took a shower and curled my hair and stuff. I walked out to find Kyrie gone but he was standing outside the door. I go out the dress on and and found black heels to match lawdd are they trying kill me. once I finish I walk out to find a tux dressed Kyrie.

"what hell is going on Kyrie?" he just smiles and grabs my hand. leads my down stairs where Eli is. Eli had on a blue heart line strapless dress and with matching heels.

"Well come on maladies and I want to wish you too the most wonderful birthday" he said stepping in the middle of us grabbing our hands. he might be 8 but he is super tall now. You know what else he did he blindfolded us. THAT DIPSHIT BURGER BUT US IN A BLIND FOLD!

Kyrie leads us down a walk way with roses on it and the only reason I know that is because of the smell. I smell my mate here. and a bunch of different scents I can't figure out.

Kyrie takes off our blind folds and I jump back surprised and so does Eli . the whole pack is here. our mates. our aunt and uncle- wait whattt?!

"yipeeeee. this is the best day ever thank you guys" me and Eli shout at the same time. we look at each other and burst into a fit of laughter and everyone joins. the music starts playing and people start dancing, talking and more.

We talked awhile and people coming up to us and finally our favourite aunt and uncle came to us and we talked

We make our way to our mates who were grinning at us. once we stopped in front of them they both dropped on one knee but Jason went first then Nix. but like the fuckery?! music was cut and everyone turned their attention to us. oh did mention I became alpha of my 'dads' pack since he left them yeah. He died but I'm his only 'child' and we merged with Jason's.hehe

"I Jason Black Alpha of BlackWidow pack have accepted you Alison Valentines Alpha Female of DarkKnight pack as my mate and lover for eternity. I promise to love you with all my heart. I promises to cherish you. I promise to protect with my life. I promises to stay close and never cheat. I promises to love what's inside and not outside. I promises I want to keep you forever Alison Valentines. I WANT YOU ALISON!" he basically shouts." I want you too be mine forever. I want to be the one to hold you when cry. the one to clam you when your angry. then one to have your heart. then one to fight but make up after. the one wake up in the morning knowing your mine. all I want is you Alison Lynn Valentines now and forever. Will you marry me?!" I started crying like seriously crying hard that's the most amazing thing someone had every said to me. Jason look at me with love and adoration

I nod my head yes and run to him jumping in his arms

"yes I will marry you Jason black and I will be yours now and forever. wanna know why?" he looks curiously at me.and nodded

"because you already stole my heart and I was kinda hoping you wouldn't give it back." the pack laughs he smiles at me big time and slipped the ring on my finger. and kissed me with passion

"wasn't think about it" he says. kissing me again. I smile leaning against his chest watching Nix do the same to Eli. she is a marked and mated girl you wouldn't believe how I took that I'll explain afterwards.
So this I how that day went

"Hey Ali can I tell you something" I turn to look at Eli

"Yeah sure what's up?"

"I mated with Jason"

"You whatttt!!!! And you didn't tell me"

Guess what else I fainted after that.

but anyways

"I Phoenix Jackson have accepted you Eli Williams as my mate and beta female. the one I will love with all my love and passion. I will keep you forever. never leave you behind or alone. I've marked you, I've mated you and now I want to complete the process. I want you to be in my arms in the morning and at night. I want you as my everything which you already are! I want to love you all day an night. be your cuddle buddy as you but it. I you to be the one to carry my pups. I LOVE YOU ELISSA WILLIAM'S!" he shouts. I think they planned that shouting part. "and I don't want to spend another minute without you being my wife. so will you marry me?" she nodded eagerly and he jumped up and put the ring on her and kissed her.

"We are getting married Ali boo" Elissa says softly through mind link

"yeah we are Elibear and we'll do it together. I promise" I say back

"I'm pregnant Ali and please don't say anything" she says I sigh

"I can't because I am to babe" she gasps and I laughed " at least I think I am and why do you think I said we'll do it all together."

"this is great girl now and forever friends" Eli says

"I love you Eli" I say

"I love you to Ali" she says.

that night all we did was drink and party.

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