The princess ball

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Bloom POV

"Mom, dad it's so nice to see you" I said while they were coming near for a hug. Suddenly it started raining. The water was really cool. Then my parents started vanishing."Nooo" I blinked my eyes and everything started to change. I blinked again and this time it was clear. I was dreaming. Ugh, just a few more minutes. I stuffed my pillow to my ears to stop Stella's deafening screams.
"Come on everyone wake up. We don't have time". It was early morning and Stella was awake already. Something is wrong. No. it's her princess ball. "But it's so early and we don't need hours and hours of makeup" Musa said." We still have a lot of things to do" Stella said.

I sat up on the bed almost forcefully and I realised I was wet. Stella poured ice cool water on me."Why the hell did you wet me?" I shouted.Then I realised the wizards were waking up too. "Sorry if I wake you up but these sleepyheads won't wake up" Stella said to them. Groaning we all got ready. We were leaving the Leaky Cauldron to do shopping in magix and then go to Solaria to attend the ball which is going to be held today evening. We were just leaving the leaky cauldron when Ginny stopped us "I'm coming with you too" she said. She was ready with her dress. She looked really cute. And then her mother came out and studied each of us and said to take care of her.

We were halfway to magix when I remembered something. "Ginny can you keep a secret?" I asked her.
"Yes. Of course" she answered.
"Great. Don't you say this to anyone"
"I promise"
"We are fairies and are going to the land of fairies"

Her eyes lightened up as soon she heard the word fairies.
"I knew they existed. Fairies are REAL " she shouted in joy.
"Don't say this to your brothers or friends" Tecna said
"I won't" she said
Ginny POV
" This dress is simply amazing" Musa said when she saw Stella's dress. It was really amazing pink dress. It suited her perfectly. I wish I had a dress like that.

Stella and Bloom went shopping and it is noon already

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Stella and Bloom went shopping and it is noon already. I liked this world so much. I always knew fairy world does exist just like our wizarding world. The ball is today evening and I can't wait.
"We don't have much time. I have my spa, my beauty treatment, hair to be done,manicure  and_" Stella was saying with the horror in her eyes.
"Well I, Musa ,Tecna and Flora have other things to do so we will see you at the ball" Aisha said.
"I'll come with you Stella" Bloom said.
"Me too. I can't wait to see your castle" I said.
Stella smiled and took out her ring."Solaria" she said holding the ring  and Bloom, Stella and I were transported to Solaria.
We were right in front of the castle and there was Stella's dad or King Radius ( as they told me) was standing to welcome his daughter. I looked at the castle and thought how wonderful it is to live in such a big house. We went in and wow. It was so huge!
"I'll try to adjust even if my house is a hundred times smaller" Bloom said and I nodded. I saw around the castle but in a very less time as Stella had to do her beauty treatments. And there is that girl named Chimera. I don't like her. And the day passed and it was finally time for the ball. Everything was ready and perfect. Nothing can go wrong. Then the rest of the winx and specialists arrived. All were wearing beautiful dresses.
We all are now in the palace waiting for Stella and King Radius to enter and start the ball. Although I won't dance I want to try every delicacy here. And here they are. Stella is simply stunning in her dress. Everyone were cheering for them. King Radius cleared his throat and made an announcement " I have good news. This kingdom will soon have a queen and another princess from now on. She is none other than Countess Cassandra and her daughter Chimera".
Everyone cheered as loud as they can. But I didn't at all feel like cheering. How can that mean brat be princess? I could see the rest of the winx were thinking the same. And a glance at Stella told she was totally disappointed. After that King Radius and Stella started dancing. A traditional father- daughter dance as they told. Everyone was in a good mood exept for Stella, me and the winx. Then suddenly something extraordinary happened. Stella fell on the ground and something was happening with her. She was transforming into a.. MONSTER! Merlin's beard! Then the most weird thing was when Radius said that she wasn't her daughter and told the guards to arrest her and us.
"Winx" I heard the rest of the girls say. And in a blink they were transformed. They then had wings. Wait wings? I couldn't believe my eyes. But after all they were fairies. Their costumes were changed too. And then out of the blue Musa pushed me. I looked behind and saw that the bolt which was fired by the guard which was about to hit me hit the wall. Before I could say thanks she took my hand and we started running or rather flying. It was a nice feeling although. To be able to fly without a broomstick although Musa was holding my hand. We reached the so called apiary tower. The guards followed us here also . Then suddenly Stella fell out of the window. She couldn't transform because of her monster form. We caught her although few seconds before she could break her bones. Then we went through a scary tunnel to escape the guards.
The tunnel had huge spiders and leeches. If my brother Ron was there, he could have fainted at the sight of those spiders. Thinking of him made me laugh. We came out of the tunnnel finally but that wasn't the end. Stella needed to back to her original self. So Techna researched in her so called digital searcher on how to make Stella normal. I say it was an weird thing and I remembered once my father saying muggles use those type of things. So we went to a place in which the so called mirror of truth was placed which could give Stella her looks back. Entering the cave itself was a big adventure. I saw as the Winx fought those huge Griffins. It was really our luck that we managed to enter the cave. Then Stella found out the mirror of truth and the truth about herself. That it wasn't only her looks which mattered but her personality. She became as before and we all came back to the leaky cauldron. It was an amazing adventure I will remember for years and I can't wait to tell my brother's about it. They'll be jealous and especially Fred and George. I would love to see their jealous looks but I promised Winx not to say anything about our adventure to them.

A/n So I know it's kinda boring to read an story you know but I wanted to show it from Ginny's point of view. So please say if there are mistakes(spelling errors etc) and please ask if you are confused with anything

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