Trip to Andros

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Bloom POV

Today we are going to our mission to save Andros. " But what we will say to others?" Techna asked. We were in an old classroom. By we I mean Winx club and the specialists.
"Don't worry we will cover up for you" Nabu said. "Leave it to the professional" Stella said pointing towards herself.
So everything is set and we are going to Andros exept Stella. Techna opened her new device which created a portal to Andros. One after the another we went in and reached to the house of Aisha which is the castle. Her parents who were the king and queen of Andros finally gave the permission to help them. We went to the place or the ocean where the portal of the Omega dimension was there. It was from there where Valtor escaped.
" He converted the mermaid keepers of the gate into his minions" Flora said.
We tried to break the spell and convert them back into keepers but useless. But there has to be some way.
Only I needed to figure it out.
"Look they all have the mark of Valtor on their necks" Aisha said.
Then suddenly from nowhere some unwanted guests came. They were the TRIX? The evil witches, Icy, Darcy and Stormy. But how? "It seems they escaped from Omega dimension too" Techna said.
"And teamed up with Valtor" Musa added. Then the fight began right then and there above the ocean.
We were attacking each other when Icy suddenly cast a spell on my wings which made them heavy. I had enough. First they escaped and attacked Andros and then try to harm my friends and then they want to make me sink. Anger was rushing through my veins and I don't know but whenever I am angry, I get a sudden burst of energy. Maybe because of my dragon flame. But I didn't care. I just want teach those Trix a lesson. So we all combined defeated the trix. Atleast we thought so. And then suddenly a large,cold object hit me painfully at the back. Everything seemed to be blurred. And then everything went black.

I opened my eyes and looked around me. I was in a place which looked like some kind of old Roman citadel in Amman. A man appeared in front of me." "Hello Bloom. Don't be afraid of me. I am Valtor. Oh I know. You have heard many bad things about me. But people do tend to exaggerate" the man said.
Exaggerate? He escaped from Omega dimension, took over Andros, turned mermaid guardians into his minions. What more proof do I need? So I said it out loud.
His reply quite shocked me. "Mine is a long story. Once I used to be powerful and respected. But things changed. I once again want to be the most supreme sorcerer of the world. And I am warning you to stay out of my way".

I was so angry that...."Stay away from Bloom" finally my friends came for my rescue.

"We don't want to fight you Valtor. Surrender or else.." I said.

"The flea said to the elephant" he said and laughed." At the moment you are too tired and I don't like easy victories"

Well it was partially true. I was tired by fighting those mermaids and the Trix. But still there is no way I am going to leave him like that.

"Fight me then. Aisha the princess of Andros!" Aisha said landing infront of him.

"In the name of Valtor may you become blind" he said and disappeared.

"I can't see" Aisha said. " Don't worry Aisha. We won't abandon you" I said.

We need to find a way to make Aisha see again.

Then suddenly another mermaid appeared. I really had enough of this mermaids. "Don't worry. I am not going to harm you" she said.

"Wait a second I recognise this voice. Tressa? Is it you?" Aisha asked.

"Aisha you're blind!!" Tressa said." I know, my mother can cure this" she said. And we went to mother and Aisha got cured. I looked at the sky. It was becoming dark. My goodness!! We have to return to Hogwarts. We quickly went through Techa's portal and we reached the same old classroom from where we came.

Stella POV

I waved my friends bye and went out. I and Brandon were talking in the hallways when Thomas and Seamus came by. "Hey Stella. The way you taught Malfoy a lesson was awesome. He will think twice before asking any Griffindor to do his work" Seamus said. I remembered the potions class in which I had to skin Malfoy's shrivelfig. I had to accept it was purely an accident. I never skinned any before. And I remember hearing about few figs which explode when you skin them. Who knows if it was one of them by mistake? So I was very careful while skinning it. And when I threw that half-skinned shrivelfig into his potion, I really meant it. I mean how dare he insult my skills." By the way where are others?" Dean asked.

Well I already had a hundred excuses in mind which I used to skip classes. But I thought the best one which would suit them.

"Oh they? My friends are writing homework and revising for classes. You know we are newbies and don't want to lack behind. And I am just taking what you call a break" I said.

They seemed to buy that excuse. During lunch too I had to manage it. "Where are Bloom and the others?" Harry asked. "They only eat after they had finished their studies. So you might expect them for dinner" I said.

It wasn't as easy I thought. It is growing dark and no sign of them. Now I'm really starting to worry. What if something happened to them? I am feeling terrible for not going with them. "Don't worry. You are the Winx. I am sure they will manage it and you needed to cover up for them right. Couldn't thought of better excuses myself' Brandon said.

He is such a sweetheart! And as if wasn't enough bad, I got some really bad news. I know my phone isn't allowed but I need to be in contact with Solaria and its happenings. I doubt that Cassandra is behind all the chaos in Solaria. I looked around to make sure no one was there in the hallway. I heard my friends coming but I didn't care. As expected the news popped out and... I couldn't belive what it said.

Musa POV

After that tiring battle we finally reached Hogwarts and went to look for Stella. After searching we finally found her. She was in the hallway clicking something on her phone. I had already said her that phone is strictly not allowed. But something was wrong. She was furiously listening to something on her phone. We went near to hear it.
"I King Radius proclaim Chimera to take over the place my daughter Stella. Everyone to honour her as the new princess of Solaria."
I couldn't believe her father could do something like that. So did Stella and the others.
She furiously closed the phone. "Don't worry Stella. We will help you" Bloom said.
"Yes Stella you are the princess and will always be" Brandon said.
"It's not that. I wonder how can dad do this to me? That Chimera over me! If I had any doubts I am clear. Cassandra is controlling my father" Stella said very angry. I never saw her this angry.

After the dinner we told Stella all about Valtor and how he is controlling everyone.
"The people he is controlling contain the mark of Valtor" Bloom added.
"The mark?" Stella asked" Does it look like this?" She showed the picture of her father, Cassandra and Chimera from the video. No doubt they had the mark on their necks.

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